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We are coming up to the peak of this years Draconids meteor shower, some may remember the outburst of last year(or the clouds).

Unfortunately it is not expected to put on a repeat performance and a weak performance is predicted with few faint meteors.

Still it can be unpredictable and unexpected outbursts are possible.



The forecast calls for the peak to occur at 2 Universal Time on October 8, 2012. For the central U.S. that translates to 10 p.m. Central Daylight Time on Sunday, October 7. If the prediction holds true, North America will get to watch the Draconids at their peak. For Asia, the predicted peak is around noon on October 8 – in daylight – so the evenings of October 7 or 8 will both work.

Just keep in mind that meteor showers are notorious for defying predictions, either surpassing or falling shy of expectation, so you never know for sure.

If you live at middle and far northern latitudes anywhere around the globe, this shower is well worth a try. Unlike many major showers, the radiant for the Draconids is highest up at nightfall, so watch for these meteors as soon as darkness falls.



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A couple of Draconids this evening, between abour 20:00-20:30, the first sign of stars for ages too.... the wind was a bit much and the helideck steps rather sore on the old glutes to be stopping out too long. I may pop out agin laterer, better prepared...

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