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Jupiter & 3 Moons Sept 22nd repro

Space Cowboy

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I'd already posted up Jupiter with Ganymede, Callisto & Io which I'd specifically shot at f26 to get all the moons on screen.

Tonight I decided to see if I'd got all 3 moons on my best capture of that morning taken at f31.

Turns out there were 900 frames with all 3 on (Dob tracking was struggling to keep all this stuff on screen at f31 so lots of drifting, hand control adjusting etc).

What an amazing program AS!2 is! How it manages to stack and align 3 moons and a planet moving back and forth (moons coming and going off screen) for 3 mins I don't know. There is no way Registax could have done this.

Here is the result using 1.5x drizzle and down sized 85% :


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Thanks for your comments guys! After taking a look at DP's recent Jupiter shots I refrained from using colour noise reduction and vibrance which has produced a more toned down natural look.

I play these merry go rounds, you will be back to it quicker than you think :evil: Remember i started this conversation sometime ago. Banging on about exactly what your saying now. I think your view was you prefered a bit more colour. Though to be fair i think mine may have been even more subdued colour wise, so you may have had a point Agreed. But you get the point its a merry go round Stuart. searching for nirvana. But ending up where we started maybe ? i prefer this colour balance here, It does look more neutral less false colour, but not killed with colour noise reduction ( i hate colour noise reduction ) youve controlled it better here i think. so it didnt need the colour squashing noise reduction. The image in question was this one.

very neutral. perhaps too neutral. somewhere in between maybe ?


Another 3x shot Maybe a tad too much


I think we are all trying to get to the same place. Which is what sharing is all about

Very good reproces that one. Your getting better than me. Mr cowboy :cool:

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Woah! You are too generous Neil. I'm getting closer but certainly not better and after browsing your website today I've got a fair way to go yet. Damian's images made me think I'm going too red but then after looking again at your 2011 shots I'm thinking thats why I've gone red because they look so darn good!

I still think that top image is too washed out Neil there is no contrast on it. The 2nd shot is too blue but I guess that is the daylight effect? I'm sure these colours will look better when we are in pitch darkness. My Jup & moon shot was taken at dawn with no shroud on my OTA so the blue tinge is showing.

This image below is what I call knock out colour balance (you may recognize it Neil ;-) ) Like I said I've still got a long way to go Mr Philips. :cool:


This is Neil's image from 2011.

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Fantastic shots from both of you (I hope you don't mind me congratulating Mr Phillips in your thread?)

Could I ask if AS!2 is the full name of the software you used? I would very much like to have a look at it.

Also, would I be correct in thinking you used the DFK for these images rather than the SPC900?

(Sorry for all the questions!)

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Seeing as Neil is a Planetary genius I will allow praise given on my thread :smiley:

AS!2 is Autostakkert Buzz. It stacks and aligns images far quicker than Registax with a much more consistent result.

Yes my images are taken with the DFK. The spc900 does a good job in calm seeing but the faster frame rate of the DFK kicks its butt in poorer conditions.

Ask as many questions as you like Buzz. :smiley:

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Well Dont think for one moment i am not learning from you, and other guys here. My other thread shows how much i am still learning from you and others on here. Yes your right it is low contrast, i kind of wanted to do it with as little alteration from the stack as is possible. processing was minimal but still sharpened.

You know when i look on my site, i think. noooooooooo i should have done that differently or this with more, ( or less of that ) the thing i think the most actually. Is my DFK ( later dbk ) shots are colour wise more accurate than what ive done since with RGB but maybe thats to be expected i am not sure, ive seen some very well known top imagers with simialr colour problems, that have likely been doing it far longer. I think RGB is harder to get right. In many ways i want a DBK again, Just for jupiter, it can sometimes look better colour wise. and detail doesnt seem to lack at all. I think John H said he prefered the red strong colour balance to me. Luis often seems to go that way too. Its not intirely neutral but there is so much red information on jupiter. it does bring out the detail and a richness for sure. We just need killer seeing at opposition Stuart. I am wondering how well your going to do. Because you just keep surprising me. I am not sure what to expect next sometimes. Your doing so well, i wonder how good it can get from you. It is continually getting better. Im off for a break. speak to you all monday. i wont be imaging properly for a bit now. my scopes collimation is up xxxx creek. Not sure if you will get any imaging done over the weekend if so. have a good one speak later in the week. PS you got a website yet ? you should have

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That's an incredible image, detal on the moons?!

Am I right in saying the DFK is the colour version? From what I can see many chose the mono but I would love to know why you went this route as colour does eem easier, especially if you can eventually acheive results like this!


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Thanks Neil yeah I need to setup a website I guess, put all my best shots in one place. Enjoy your break. At least while your scope is out of action it gives the rest of us chance to gain some ground. :cool:

Thanks John! Yes the dfk is colour. Personally mono imaging with RGB filters would drive me nuts especially with my setup being an auto tracking alt/az dob. Its enough of a handful keeping Jupiter on screen for 3 mins at a time without changing filters. In my opinion single colour shot cams suit the fleeting clear UK skys better. The seeing is so variable from one minute to the next that I could imagine it beeing very hard to get all 3 colour channels in equally stable seeing using RGB.

If I lived somewhere with plentiful clear skys and consistent seeing and I had an EQ mounted scope then yes I dare say I would use RGB. There is no doubt RGB imaging produces less noise with a more sensitive sensor so in theory it is superior but under the practical conditions I've just mentioned its not that clear cut for me.

I should also add that a mono camera allows imaging of venus with a UV filter which is not possible with a colour cam and also use of an IR filter which can produce more detail on the Planets in poorer seeing.

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Yes for stacking and aligning AS!2 is the top gun not just for the better quality result but the extra speed.

i don't like change much but the result's speak for themselves, i am going to re-process some AVI'S and see what i get.out of interest Stuart what are you using for your capture SW at the moment?

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