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Awkward Skies


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Not sure what to make of things this evening. A clear sky was forecast, but there's an awful lot of "lumpy" cloud around to spoil things and Altair is twinkling madly, a sure sign that the seeing isn't as good as one might hope when it's as high in in the sky as it is at the moment.

On the other hand, the Milky Way is clear and bright even with having stood outside with the house lights on for less than thirty seconds.

My plan for this evening was to do a bit of comet hunting and get some wide field shots of the Milky Way around Cygnus and Cassiopeia, but that's not really on if cloud keeps drifting around. I quite fancied having a pop at M77 later too, to bring my "unseen Messier" count down to two.

Not sure what to do now though. Trying to star-hop when cloud keeps blocking the view until nothing is where you left it is most unrewarding, so I need to find something else to try. Perhaps I'll take the Mak out around the back of the house later and see if I can do some imaging of Jupiter. That's not exactly reliant on long clear periods.


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Hmmm... here in south east Devon it's been mostly clear but I've had a spell of rain from a clear sky at about 10pm :mad: and enough clouds keep coming over that imaging's not really going to happen... just as well I'm testing kit tonight :smiley:


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I'm testing kit too. It's clear here and transparent so quite good for faint DSO's. The seeing at higher powers is not so good though. I can't get satisfying star tests due to the conditions rather than the scope I think. Tight doubles seem less distinctly split than usual for the aperture. Jupiter is OK at 120x or so but looses sharpness and contrast as I push above that. The same scope is comfortable at 200x + on a good night.

I've had some nice views of the "usual suspects" DSO's at 60x with my 20mm Nagler. M57 looked particularly striking against it's star field tonight :smiley:

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I was only out until about 10:30 as I had an early start this morning, but I found the conditions odd. There was a lot of cloud that kept popping up, despite the forecast being completrely clear, and things seemed to go in and out of focus regularly without me touching anything or moving my eyes anywhere, which I thought was strange. I could make out some objects with ease; M81, M82 plus a few of fainter NGC galaxies up to mag 11.1, but I couldn't for the life of me see M101 (when I've seen it before fairly easily). it was if there was cloud cover but when I looked through the finderscope it seemed clear, I couldn't quite figure it out.

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I too had a lot of cloud - in fact I almost went back inside.

But suddenly it all moved away. The temp was around +9°C at the start and only dropped to +8°C by the end of my session a few hours later.

Milkyway was very clear, a few satellites and "shooting stars" - just wish the Army helicopters would buzz off. :mad:

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