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Posting your images - Why do you post them on SGL?


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I am a member of a photography forum and when people post their pictures on there, they are generally doing it to get good and / or constructive comments about how things could be improved or not as the case may be.

I would be really interested on hearing why people post their images on SGL?

For example, I want to improve my imaging and so want nothing less than constructive comments about how things could be better. If you see a halo, or some noise or something very overprocessed, then I want to know about it, afterall without the help of good folks on forums I'd be REALLY stuggling at times, instead of just strugglling!! :grin:

Maybe some post to help others and inspire them. Perhaps some really are proud of their images (I'd like to say that there's nothing wrong in that at all) and just want to show others what they can achieve. Are there those who post in the hope of receiving comments to improve their image in some way?

Interested to hear thoughts and comments on this as I think knowing what people hope to get out of posting an image can help in how you look at it.

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Sara, I think we do it for the simple reason that we have taken some images which please us and we wish to share them. If people want to want to make constructive comments than that is fine as well, but in the main it is because we wish to share.

Now you can say what you want about photographic web sites, but I have seen images on SGL that make them look like snap shots, there is some simple lovely work being posted on these pages and long may it continue

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Because I like to ^^^ all of the above :)

Also by posting my images I would hope they show that I do know what I'm talking about when giving advice to others

Sometimes :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk. Blame Apple for the typos and me for the content

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I don't, simply because some of them aren't good enough (there some stuff in my gallery I uploaded in a mad moment). The bar is set very high here and I am not giving up until I get it right. :)

Kev, people like yourself inspire noobs like me to try harder. :) (I studied photography under the 'old system' yonks ago but seemed to have lost the mojo for it)

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Sara there is a specific place: Imaging - Image Processing, Help and Techniques on SGL for posting images when you want a critical appraisal as well as other sections for posting specific types of "finished" images that you simply want to share with others.

You will often see posters ask for comments when they have a particular problem or are simply unsure if their image could be improved etc. If you post in the help and techniques section you should expect constructive comments. No one should be put off posting their images, no matter how good (or not so good :wink: ) they are, as it is often the only way we can get the help and advice that we need to improve.

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Sorry if this came across as contentious, or that it may stop people posting their images. That was absolutely not the case. I am also not suggesting that images on here were not good - I was purely interested in why people post them and what they hope to get out of it :smiley:

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Because I can.... :p

I started posting to get advice and now , because I'm quite proud of what I can achieve , I post to show others what can be done with modest kit.

And you needn't put your shots down , you've some stunners hiding away on Flikr... :laugh:


P.S. I post them on 3 other forums too...... :grin:

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What do we get out of it? Nothing I guess other than we have shared something that pleases us with others. :smiley: However we have all done as Andy has suggested above and then we are grateful for the help and advice that we get and, when we can, we try to help others with their problems. No ulterior motives, honest :smiley: :smiley:

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Partly because it's nice to show other people when you've done something you're really happy with, partly for advice on getting better, partly to show what's possible with the kit I'm using, partly to encourage others, partly because it's really no different from posting an observing report -- forums only work when people contribute.


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Sara, every time I post a picture I am happy for any pointers I can get. In fact I try to encourage them as I know I can improve but it's not entirely why I post pictures.

Sometimes I'm proud of them and I like to share that, I'm not after any recognition(not that I'd get much :tongue: anyway) but it's nice to be proud of something and maybe someone else might see it and think that's nice.

I agree with you that without the forums it would be really hard for me, I love the fact that everyone here is willing to give advice and even though I may not say it enough a big THANK YOU needs to be said to everyone, it may not seem like it but I do pay attention somewhat.

The other thing I like about the pictures here is it doesn't seem like a competition, even when PoW was running I found it more encouraging than people scrambling for the next APOD or whatever although I appreciate the hard work that people put into their pictures and they do deserve recognition.

But basically for me anyway I agree with your reasons plus sometimes I just want to share.

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I think I'm just into communicating. I like doing so.

There are some very notable imagers - like Karel Teuwen for instance, whose observatory is near ours - who never post on forums so far as I'm aware. If you don't know Karel's stuff just Google the name. It's worth the visit!


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Sara, I think we do it for the simple reason that we have taken some images which please us and we wish to share them. If people want to want to make constructive comments than that is fine as well, but in the main it is because we wish to share.

Agree with that. That all builds up to a database of sort from which you can work out what various setups - and software - are potentially capable of.

Good to know for some future Christmas...

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Sara, I do it because this forum is like WiKi Imaging :-), i have posted a few of my pictures so far & not for praise either, quite the opposite, i love to learn new things (astronomy not that new to me i'm just old now) & the people who are imaging regulary & some for many years seem very happy to instruct on the correct ways to achieve the best possible outcome you should be able to reach using your equipement & techniques.

You do get people posting on here even criticising their own pictures not to be reassured & told 'no way there not c*** they are fantastic' but i think they need reassurance from others that progress can & will be made.

Astronomy is a fairly involved hobby, if you want to go that far that is, it can also be very expensive so people like to know the best equipement they can buy for their money & advice on where to get the items, best price etc, it is nice to get compliments, don't get me wrong, but i think you are always learning something new here.

I am also one of those people who likes to help others as it's a great feeling when others succeed in what they are striving to achieve, putting a lot of night time hours in (miss my bed sometimes) is not always ideal but these people enjoy it & want to show their end results.

This is the only forum i post in for astronomy & the advice i have got to date is brilliant (might have cost me £3K mind but still brilliant :-)

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