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Desperate or what?


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Although I have done a little solar observing recently it seems like an age since I aimed the scope at stars. Despite the 'average' but better than recent forecast to midnight last night I decided to put out the big scope early. After a breezy afternoon and a light shower the scope dried off and I collimated it in time for the night's observing - well a couple of hours anyway.

Having done almost no observing for a month I was still very frustrated when the clouds were intermittent creating sucker holes where you chase around all night for gaps and as soon as you get on something it's covered again.

I eventually settled for a few doubles and brighter, easily found and familiar Messiers, like M13, 57 and 27. In desperation I eventually started testing how much thin cloud I could see the Dumbbell Nebula through and was surprised actually how I could see it despite a reasonably thick veil of cloud as it passed over. I also 'played' with doubles, watching them until they disappeared.

I did find out that my 16" f4 when masked to 100mm (giving f18.4) gives rather nice double star images for those not really requiring high magnification or resolution. I'll be using that again.

Weather looks poor for a few more days now so at least I got some observing in.

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I have written off June and July for DSOs a mixture of the weather and really light nights. I am currently doing more solar viewing.

I don't know about you but when I haven't used my scopes for a while I start looking for something new to buy or build, justifying it to Mrs DrRobin with statements like 'I get so few good nights, would you like me to have the right kit o make the most of it?'. It might have worked once but her normal answer in NOoooo.

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I was out last night for ~2hrs from dusk [1st time since June 28!] and did some quick shots [my style] on PNe near Altair in NGC 6803 and 6804. Checked my record and found I'd done both last July. Thought I've bring up dual pics with ~800 stars per pic on the laptop and check for vars or a nova. Amazingly 6804 essentially identical across the whole field! 6803 awaits a check but not hopeful of any change ;-)

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i must agree it was pretty clear in south yorkshire last night , i was tempted but having to be up at 4 30 am i thought id give it a miss ,it just goes to show you're never too experienced to learn some new things about you're scope and lens ,i wouldn't say it was desperate, mine is out of garage up in empty room ready to go in 1 1/2 weeks , i think it was about a month ago when i used my scope i wish you many more clear nights.

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I eventually settled for a few doubles and brighter, easily found and familiar Messiers, like M13, 57 and 27.

I did exactly the same thing a few nights ago!

It just felt good to be outdoors under the stars again. It's been soooooo long.

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I hear ya Shane!

Had my PST out on sunday am for a peek at the sunspots, first time the obsy has been running in weeks. All the more frustrating as I have a brand new C11 I want to get to grips with :(

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10 out of 10 for trying Shane and at least it got you going through the motions by shaking off those observing cobwebs. There is rumour that the jet stream is pushing off (as polite as I'm allowed to type :grin: ) so your 'dress rehearsal' might not be in vain after all.

Clear skies for everyone soon


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I`ve not had a scope out for age`s, and wont really bother till late august, as it just does not get dark properly, this time of year is better spent doing other stuff like fishing

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^ I have to agree with that, about the light skies. I keep trying though, but by the time it finally does get dark enough, I've been out there for that long and have got that frustrated that I'm tired out by that point and just want to go to bed :lol:

There is a slim chance it may be clear on Friday night in parts of the east Midlands, so knowing me I'll try once more! I know I shouldn't!

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Mrs DrRobin reported that the BBC website said the jet stream was moving north, so hopefully we will see the benefits soon. Surely, I can't rain much more, the north Atlantic most be nearly dry.

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I've done next to no observing since back in the winter. The dob is seriously under-used and pretty much gathering dust, my last big purchase from November (28mm UWAN) is looking like a big mistake now as it has seen little use since being bought, even more so with recent financial difficulty and it just sitting there as equity :(

The binoculars are broken and in need of repair so for the moment I have no "grab 'n' go" setup of any kind nowadays although I hope to get some sort of repair done to fix the stalk that holds the eyepiece on.

The weather is poor and terrible shift patterns aren't helping atthe moment, meaning that on any clear nights thatwe have that I am too tired or have to be up at stupid hours to be in early!

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I'm just glad I made the solar filter for the transit, as I've managed to get some use out of it since. Having said that, I've been preparing for weeks to grab a shot of the ISS passing by the sun this morning. Predictably a soggy washout as usual :(

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I'm rather optimistic for tonight. I think there's a good chance I might get some clear skies. The only downside is I only have a realistic time frame of 10pm - 11:30pm because I have to go to work tomorrow at 9am! I bought my telescope in May so you can only imagine what I'm going through at the moment! Only had about 6 clear nights in 3-4 months.

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Im doing more solar viewing at the moment, as even at 11pm, its still stupidly light with no many stars visable, and im up at 6am for work each day so only really have Friday and Saturday for late nights.

I decided about a month ago to go through the Messier list as a long term project, not had the scope out since lol.

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