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And the current forecast for the Venus transit is...


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That's funny Russell, because the weather I looked at showed a better chance of clear skies in devon and cornwall that where I am... I'm in the Fens - so not a million miles from you.

Someone's lying... I think it's the weather men.


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Hi i'm currently imaging with PIRATE in majorca from derbyshire and its lovelly there. But have arranged to meet for a go at Venus. weather arrrrrHHHH......

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I'm doing the same. I really hope that I get to see it. Even Jamie (my son) has asked to be woken up and went to bed early - a whole 2 hours early :shocked: ... it's not looking good though!


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Been watching it online, don't think I can sit for the whole duration so I'm calling it a night. At least I can say I was a part of it in the online community, which may be the best I could have managed. There may be a glimmer of hope for people in the West or Midlands as I see a gap in the clouds on the satellite animation in WeatherPro on the iPad on it's way, but I don't think it will hit the East coast in time (if at all), cloud formations have a habit of changing as they hit land.

Good night and good luck! :icon_salut:

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Thoroughly miserable weather on the St Cyrus clifftops. Cloud & rain as far as the eye can see - no sun or Venus in sight. On the other hand there's lovely romantic view for me & Mrs D to enjoy. From the car. In the rain.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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Its raining in Broadstairs. I had some ckear sky heading towards the horizon so got set up. Only for it to close before it got there then another shiwer soaked me and the scope :-( Mrs did a good job taking photos of me looking stupid :-)

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Got very lucky here in the Midlands - the sun broke the clouds about fifteen minutes before the transit's end, and the clouds that were passing across it cleared to let me see final contact for the briefest of moments. I didn't get a great view, but it was something. Very glad that I fought the urge to go back to sleep when my alarm went off two hours ago!

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Well, if this isn't [exasperation]10, I don't know what is!

Clouds parted exactly ten minutes after last contact :angry5: !!!

Got a lovely projection of a completely unencumbered Sun's disk.

Ah well, saw the 2004 one in its entirety, so I can't really grumble.

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Amazing! The cloud was looking like it was not going to break, but then incredibly we got a five to ten minute gap just before 3rd contact so could clearly see the whole disk of venus. Watched it through until 3rd contact then clouds returned so back home now.

It was well worth making the effort for. I've seen a transit of Mercury before but Venus appears so much bigger!


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