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Would you pay??


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After reading quite a bit about going out gazing on your own and not feeling very safe with expensive equipment on display,and that its best to go in a group or with someone else,would you pay for a nights viewing somewhere where you can park off road and close the gate behind you.??

I know the very first time i went out to take some piccys we parked up on a quiet country road and within five minutes a car pulled up and asked me what i was doing,it turned out to be a farmer who owned the land i was by,she didn't seem too pleased with me been there,which i thought was understandable given all the thefts that go on on farms!!!!

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For most people who drive to dark sites (me included), I'd reckon the car is worth vastly more than the gear I take - and much more desirable too, and easier to make-off with :( So if anything's at risk, it wouldn't be my telescope.

So far in maybe 10+ years of traveling to dark sites I've never been approached by any hostile individuals. At most it's been a case of "wotcha doin'" or "can I have a look?" I do try not to draw attention to myself and keep things quiet and hopefully unintrusive, so I don't disturb anyone.

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If I got bothered by other people while at a dark site then I'd have to be in the wrong place.

Good quiet dark sites are few and far between even in Cornwall, I've spent hours on Google Earth and have found 3 good spots within an hours drive which I use most of the time but they are very secluded with good views.

I found that research is they key to finding good dark spots and if needed always ask the land owners permission beforehand.

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It is unfortunate that the relationship between the Public (as a sometime walker, astronomer etc.) and Farmers is often tense. But visible evidence... A new STILE chopped up (miles from anywhere!), livestock killed and butchered in situ, apparently... :)

Seriously though... Maybe someone should "Tip Off" farmers re. the *lucrative* possibilities of site rental to law-abiding, upstanding Astronomers. <G> As someone with limited transport possibilities and health problems re. "running away", prior to construction of my observatory, a nice secure (paid-for) compound would have be a fine thing. :)

Right now, I'm on the look out a nice neighbourhood garden with decent views of the forthcoming Venus Transit. :(

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I always pay Tescos for cookies, chocs and hot chocolate for the me and the boys when we meet up for gazing, I never go empty handed!

.....and the after eights,or are those for when you can't get out:D

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Wish I lived nearer....astronomy and biccies :(, a winning combo!

As for the original question - seems a shame we live in such a crowded and light-polluted environment that one of the last simple pleasures in life will very soon only be available at some cost (petrol, travel and accommodation in "dark sky" reserves, paying to use a someones land securely... ). And thats without the kit costs;).

Having said that, I'd probably pay a moderate fee to use somewhere close, dark(ish) and secure. This last bit is quite important; I don't have a garden and have to home observe from a small courtyard at the front of my house, in full public view next to a busy main road....usually not a problem, but sometimes it can be a little alarming when the pubs/clubs kick out and the revellers are returning home. Got adept at quickly moving scope indoors when I hear a particularly loud group heading my way!

EDIT - Its such a pain, I'm actually actively looking for soemwhere new to live - a secure/dark garden is number one on the list of must haves in my search!

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I think the point is that you can't just walk on to some elses land without permission unless it is a public right of way. Even then, you could possibly only have a right to pass acrossh the land, not to 'use' the land for observing. Entering someone elses private property without their permission or without a lawful right of access to the land is trespass. You should ALWAYS ask the land owners permission beforehand.

If you're on common or public land (such as a grass verge next to a public road) that was next to someone elses private land you would have every right to be there.

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With tools such as Google Earth and Street View, it isn't that difficult narrowing down a few ideal viewing locations. Once identified, driving out to them on a clear night will help you discover if public sites are frequented by the Kennel Club (which are a complete pain in the counterweights! :)) and genrally what the light pollution levels are like and from which direction. With regards possible locations that are on private land, find out who the landowner is and go and talk to them about your proposals. I have never experienced a problem with a landowner and as long as your are clear and direct about how they can help you, I think you might be surprised at their enthusiasm. After all you are another pair of eyes for them, as I remember my first site was next to a barn that had lots of expensive farming equipment in it. Interestingly enough, the current site I use is well protected from the kennel club but having explained to the elderly landowner what I meant by this phrase, she said that was the least of my worries compared to poachers! :) - such is the peace and quiet of the countryside!

The minimum requirement of a good site for me (in addition to good views of the sky etc) is to be able to park your car on the site and away from public view. This will help minimise any passing interest from Mr Crufts & Co. and any others who are attracted to the presence of your car seemingly parked in the middle of nowhere. If you do get permission, try to establish a protocol whereby you ring in advance of your attendance giving times of arrival/leaving and how many there are of you. This is not only common courtesy which will afford you the opportunity to thank them each time, but it will also cover yourself should the police receive a report concerning some strange activity in the top field!:(:eek:

I hope you can find a site soon but I would leave most of the research to the internet.


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One of the advantages of local astronomy clubs is that they often arrange for dark site viewing. We have a place here in Salem Oregon which is a parking lot for a logging company which can be used by anyone for observing. The M45 club secured it's use.

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I often think that there's an opportunity here for someone with a small dark site somewhere... however, for the 30 odd days every year that we get a good dark night I seem to get by finding a spot or two in my mates gardens or the odd remote rural location... don't think I would pay... why not ask your local school, football, cricket or rugby club if you can rock up and pitch in the evenings... alternatively it's off to Oregon sounds nice!

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Thanks for the replies folks,seems about 50/50 really then.

I would aslo agree that there is a good opportunity for farmers to let gazers use their filelds for a few hours and it really is upto the individual farmer if he wants to charge or not i guess.

But after my first experience out just taking a few piccys it did put me off standing there when i was questioned been there and soon packed up and carried on.

So for a good relaxed and feeling safe full nights viewing i think i would pay,so long as it was a decent-ish site to gaze :(

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I would have explained what I was doing to the farmer, and offered to work with them. If you could say 'we will call you first to let you know we are coming and we will be standing near your farm which may help discourage theft' they may be a bit more welcoming.

I sometimes use a road to an industrial estate on the edge of the village, fine when it was unoccupied then the insecurity lights started to be left on. Once a bloke asked what I was doing, I explained and let him have a look though the 'scope, bins and at my planisphere and Nortons. Since then he's given me a wave when I have used the spot and he goes past.

I would be more concerned about local Jawas [the hoddie fraternity] and other assorted prats.

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Thanks David,but i did explain to her what i was doing as she was looking at the camera set up on it's tripod pointing upwards,but she wasn't too pleased still:icon_confused:

But as i say this was my very first attempt at taking some piccys of the night sky,and i have since found a better place to go:)

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as far as land owners go, their is a huge issue here in the sligo area with land owners, they simply dont want people on their land, most of them anyway. and for paying for a safe place to observe, i wouldnt pay, simply because i couldnt afford to, also as said already we pay for petrol to travel to a dark site, so for me I will av to continue to use public areas, and im not very comfortable about it, for safety reasons.

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Its worth persevering though to find yourself a good dark sky spot.unless your really fortunate gardens though secure rarely afford panoramic dark skies for the majority of us. So far I haven't had any problems but I think the two most important things to remember when researching your site is google is your friend amd if you can dont go alone to your new site at least on the first time. Even though I think I have at least two dark and reasonably secure sites if would pay a small amount for regular access and security to local land owners.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

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Last time I went to a public area to observe, I had a rather funny experience. I spent a good few hours out, took in Jupiter and Saturn as well as a few faint fuzzies and a sliver of Moon. About 2 a.m. I decided to knock it on the head. I phoned the missus, who kindly came to get me, and loaded up the kit in the car park next to the field as I was using. I then sat with said Missus, telling her about what I'd seen etc. Before we drove off, another car pulled into the car park, and shut off facing us. After about two minutes. The driver pointedly flashed his lights at us. There was no-one else there. Needless to say, we left rather hastily!

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haw haw!

I had a similar thing, I went out to our dark car park and was just setting up, waiting for the other Witney boys to meet me there. There was already a car sat there quiet and dark, so I thought it was one of our lot.

I carried on changing foot wear and getting the tripod out etc and thought it was strange that no one had gotten out of the car to say hi.....then it dawned on me.

After several minutes they started up the engine and edged forwards to me, I carried on getting me gear out, red head lamp bobbing away (not looking like a weirdo at all).

They edged forward a bit more.. threw on their lights..I knew they weren't Witney gazers then for sure!

Then the edged forward past my car and sat there for ages. I was laughing away like crazy.

Then they sped off and hopefully told all their other doggy mates that The Witney Astro Telescopes Society was in their spot and staying there!

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Excellent, I'm so glad it's not just me!

Isn't it amazing though, the similarities two 'hobbies' can have when they're so different....

...although I suppose they're both about fiddling with instruments in the dark.....

Sorry :(

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When i get my larger scope and i have successfully fenced off the feild into two sections...to stop one very curious 16+ hands 3yrd old from stuffing her face in my gear... i will be up for having people join me on dark nights to keep me company!

I live near Hartland (Devon/Cornwall border) and have my own feild, and very dark skies. It will be possible to drive in my top gate, park up and sit in or near your own car.

I will try to sort something out fencing etc for the next couple of weeks and if you live close enough, pop in.

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