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My wife chucked out my scope!


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Not perhaps as drastic as it sounds, but very disappointing, none-the-less.

My scope was an old Tal-1 4.5" Newt, and I had it in bits doing a rebuild. I was waiting to find a 1.25" focusser, as they are hard to come by now. A few weeks ago she asked why I hadn't put it back together, and without thinking, just said I couldn't get any eyepieces to fit as it was an ld scope.

So last weekend when we had a skip, she checked the tube (only - I still have mirrors etc) onto the skip, and only mentioned it today!

So in now have a 4.5" primary and secondary, mirror cell, spider etc, but no means to make them into a telescope. And I'm really not inclined to try making a new tube when a new Tal probably costs less then the materials and effort to do so.

Worst bit is it is (was!) my only scope, and I was going to throw it back together with its shoddy, neglected, eyepieces for the Venus transit. So I'm now completely scopeless with a couple of weeks to go, and no budget for a new scope :)

Oh well.

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Oh dear, my mum used to throw all my dads stuff out. When he passed away I made sure all the stuff in his room was safely put away in boxes and taped up. I am a hoarder and will not throw stuff out it stays locked up in my shed.

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I thought I remembered your user name.....


Try posting an ad for a Tal 1 ota 'only' or even bare tube 'only' on


You never know, you might get lucky.


Yep, that's me. All the fasteners wired a treat, and I was just keeping eyes open for the focusser.

However, something quite remarkable just happened: I've just been granted a budget of 1k, plus anything I can raise by selling assorted gubbins!

I feel the approach of a big dob! :)

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Yep, that's me. All the fasteners wired a treat, and I was just keeping eyes open for the focusser.

However, something quite remarkable just happened: I've just been granted a budget of 1k, plus anything I can raise by selling assorted gubbins!

I feel the approach of a big dob! :)


If you can stretch it £300 :). Otherwise:


Right on budget. (12" or 14" Dob, nice :):D)

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Do a wife-like thing and moan constantly about your loss and who's fault it is -when she has had enough of it all, then mention about the new 8" dob and how that would shut you up.

Just think of how she would react if you threw out her most precious thing, and the just act the same way :):)

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I was going to suggest the '*** for tat' retalitary throwing out of her old dresses/shoes etc. but 30+ years experience of marriage suggests this would incur the 'better half' in the ligitimate expense restocking her wardrobe's contents and possibly no tea for you for several days to come (food is good-yes?). Best to just buy a new (and bigger) scope with accessories you've never dared have before now and place them in your wardrobe. When you get the new 'scope out to use in the autumn you can then say reverently and with hand on heart and a straight face 'It's not new dear I've had it for ages'. This has worked well for the 'other side' for years and I occasionally see the point of equality. Sell the remaining parts you have left on eBay for the price of a blow out curry when your 'home alone' one night.

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I have a TAL1 tube + (I think) primary mirror cell. Only thing is it is the version which had a 1.25" focuser, so I dont know if your 0.9" focuser will fit. You're welcome to have it if we can work out a way to get it from Wiltshire to Manchester. Ironically I was in Manchester today for a meeting. PM me and we'll take it from there...

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I have a TAL1 tube + (I think) primary mirror cell. Only thing is it is the version which had a 1.25" focuser, so I dont know if your 0.9" focuser will fit. You're welcome to have it if we can work out a way to get it from Wiltshire to Manchester. Ironically I was in Manchester today for a meeting. PM me and we'll take it from there...

The reason I was looking for a 1.25" focusser is that I no longer have the 0.9" eyepieces...that 'bag of bits and pieces' was 'accidentally' disposed of by my better half several years ago...

However, having just been granted budget for a nice big scope, I'm not so much inclined to restore the TAL project just at the moment! Many thanks for the offer, though: much appreciated!

On the flip side, I have everything but the tube, so if anyone wants those bits, you are more than welcome to them.

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