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Fluff on my primary!

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Hi I have an annoying bit of black fluff on my primary! I hope the other half hasnt been using my scope to hang my socks out lol! What's the easiest way to get it off please? I dare not touch it, should I just leave it?

Sent from my GT-I8150 using Tapatalk 2

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I would be tempted to leave it, if it's not too big you won't notice any difference. Alternatively, if your very careful, try turning the scope upside down to see if it falls out.

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If your using a Newt I would leave it unless the mirror has lots of rubish all over it in which case you can soak a primary mirror in a clean washing up bowl with a bit of washing up liquid for 5 minutes, then repeat without the washing up liquid, then rinse with de-ionised water so no calcium deposits are left on the mirror, I wouldn't mechanically clean the mirror, some poeple use surgical grade cotton wool if a mirror is really dirty and drag it over the mirror with nothing more than its own weight. If your using a refractor I would use a blower like the one in the link above.

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Nothing that a good scrub from a Brillo pad couldn't sort out!;):D As others above have said, best to leave it alone and not worry about it.


James, can't believe you forgot to mention to add a dab of Jif cream as well to really make it gleam! :eek:

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James, can't believe you forgot to mention to add a dab of Jif cream as well to really make it gleam! ;)

Do you recommend the standard jif or the lemon fresh? :eek:

Sent from my GT-I8150 using Tapatalk 2

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I believe it's all part of puberty and growing up!

:Haha: :Haha:

Sorry, end of sarcasm/humor.

If you can't remove it without directly touching the surface, either air or soft brush, it may be better to leave it till you can get it removed by someone suitably experienced. It would be a shame to damage the surface area.

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+1 for the bulb air blower. A Giotto , made for photography, shaped like a space rocket. i use mine to blow fluff from the secondary and even a hefty blast down the tube cleared some fluff of the primary.

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Cheers guys, used the brillo / jif combination, got all the silver stuff off.

I can see right through the big bottom window now !

cant seem to get to the slanty one though

Do you mean you can't see the slanty one or that you can't get at it to clean it as the primary?

If you can't get at it then try using a Dremel flexible extension with a mini grinding/buffer wheel :icon_scratch::clouds2:

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