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Leo Trio - M65,M66 and NGC 3628

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Has anyone managed to spot these little devils in an urban setting?

Working my way through Turn Left at Orion and now into April-June section.

Really want to see these but whenever i get lined up in the correct area I see nothing at all, not even a hint of a smudge :/

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i just found out that the Big switch off will be starting in my town from April... they are going to be turning off 90% of my towns lights from 12-6 am

I never thought Id say it but god bless the conservatives...i may just vote for them if it makes my skies clear and unpolluted :blob10:

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I can spot the two messiers from a location close to the edge of town (a fair amount of residential street lights) fairly regularly. I've only picked out the ngc on one very very good night.

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I had never tried for M81 and M82 before! they were buried way in the book, I wouldnt have gotten there for months!

I just realised how much pain is involved trying to get an EQ mount to star hop near polaris... lol.

I was trying different angles with the scope, trying to get it to pan across the area of sky these 2 are in and found myself bending over backwards to try and see through the finderscope... I stopped, locked the scope in roughly the right place, spun it in its mounting to get the finderscope in a more accessible place and knowing from previous experience that this usually throws you off what you were pointing at I thought id just look through the EP to see if I had any stars to navigate from and there, smack bang in the centre of my 25mm was both M81 and M82. What luck! :blob10:

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Yup. My street is very light polluted to the East/ South East and was purply/orange tonight. I found them - albeit via GO TO. However, they were very hard to see in a 4.33 cass. But they are there with averted vision and a bit of patience.

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Just went out to pack up and thought id take another look at the leo trio as its higher and more central in the sky now and I definitely caught a glimpse of the central cores of M65 and M66 :blob10: A very good night considering The Haze!

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ive seen m81/82 in my town polluted sky ,and they look bright even in my small appeture. but im in the same boat when it comes to the leo bunch. not a single sighting of any galaxies in leo.

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The scope is going out to cool down, and the "seeing" is supposed to be better that the passed 3-4 night have been, i couldn't see them earlier in the week although my star hopping showed me to be in the right place, will report back later if conditions allow 1,2 or all 3 DSO' to be seen...:blob10:

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Do you go to either of Herts Astro (link in my sig) or LDAS?


I went to an LDAS observing session on Friday but it seemed to be a no show. not a member of either just yet.

Is the WGC spot good? It seemed to have quite a lot of LP at the LDAS spot. they are on the northside of the town so look across all of its lights into the southern sky :/

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