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Best planet?


My fave planet is...  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. My fave planet is...

    • Mercury
    • Venus
    • Mars
    • Jupiter
    • Saturn
    • Uranus
    • Neptune

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I picked Jupiter. But being a newb I still haven't seen Saturn yet. Mars, so far, has been disappointing for me but I may well be surprised in the next month or so

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I find Saturn the best through a scope, although jupiter has more details. Finding Mercury in the bins gives me a buzz. Seeing the colour of Neptune is good. Hard to choose but went for Saturn.

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My favourite planet is always going to be Jupiter mostly because it was the first planet I saw through a telescope. Unforgettable.

My first telescope, at the back of my mind the fear that with a small inexpenxive scope like mine there would not be anything amazing to actually see with it, I pointed it at what someone had said was Venus, but still sceptical.

I located it and fiddled with focus and suddenly it resolved into a disc, and after a while I confirmed it was jupiter by the parallel brown belts. I was amazed! There it was, in my own telescope! Now my favourite possesion besides my Fender telecaster.

A great hobby.

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I went for Mercury, just because it is difficult to see! It is my planet of the moment as it has been ages since I saw it last and love the challenge to try and see it "well". Close second for me would be Mars as it is a challenge to see detail here.

Don't get me wrong I love Jupiter and Saturn and spend much more time viewing these 2 than all the others put together but "fave planet" will probably change every time you ask me depending on what I have seen lately!

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Only just got my scope and can't believe I've been lucky enough to see so much already ... Jupiter was my first but seeing Saturn this morning and being able to see space between the ring and the planet was awesome

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