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Hello everyone,

I'm Chris, a second year mechanical engineering student from the university of Nottingham.

Me and my girlfriend have recently decided to find ourselves a hobby, her being a physicist the first choice was to buy ourselves a telescope.

I've decided my best bet for actually taking the first step is to join a forum and actually get some help. Untill the other day a telescope to me was "a telescope". Now that I've come to actually buy one It's a little more than just a daunting task!

In simpler terms.... What should we buy? We don't have a huge budget at the moment, perhaps £100-£150 at a push, so we're aiming for a s/h scope. Saving up isn't the issue, we just don't want to commit £300 having never looked through a telescope!

Is there any advice you can give? I've been trawling through reviews etc and have got my eye on some potential victims on ebay.

namely a sky-watcher Explorer-130P.

I know that ebay isn't the best place to buy but to me it looks like our best bet with what we're willing to spend for now. Unless anyone has anything they want to sell within our budget!

Thanks for any help you can give me!


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Hi Chris Welcome to SGL, for ease of use and value for money i would by a dobsonian.The only issue you may have in the begining is collimation but once you get your head around it,its a doddle.Good luck and be prepared this isnt a hobby.....its a obsession :)

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Hi and welcome.

It might be worth getting yourselves a pair of binoculars to start with as there is plenty to see with a pair of 7x50s or 10x50s. There is less setting up, total portability and less cost.

That will give you a few months or so to save and decide what scope to get. Dobs are best bang for your buck.

Happy hunting!

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Welcome chris, personally you should consider going along to a local astronomy group with the good lady and having a look through a few first, see if it is something that may wet the appetite before you part with cash as we all know the little students try and get by on as it is. You will also get a feeling of what may interest you, planets, more distant objects etc. I think doing that may swing you one way or another and show you what is about without the committment.

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