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I do all my observing alone at dark sites - I've never had any bother. Yes it's spooky when you use a new site for the first time, but if you go regularly to the same place it'll start to feel like your own back garden.

Ask yourself: would you be happy going there on your own in daytime? If the answer is yes then the only thing you're afraid of is the dark.

Also remember that anybody you come across is probably going to be as spooked by you as you are by them.

Many people like to observe in groups and that's fine, but astronomy for me is not a social pastime, it's about being alone in the wilderness, appreciating the beauty of nature and getting on with serious observing in peaceful surroundings.

If I ever get mugged it'll happen in town, not countryside.

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I live in North Manchester and my dark site is the moors to the east of Preston (around Dunsop Bridge) it takes about an hour, and is the best site I can get to in that time according to the LP maps. I've only been there 4 times and i'm still exploring different sites. I've only been alone but would welcome any group visit up there anytime. PM me if interested.

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I know there is astro society's etc and I went along last week but compared to everyone there I felt like I was in the way and didn't want to bother people because at the end of the day they have not come out with all their kit to help fools like me. So I was wondering if people go out to a dark spot on their own and if so can you set up anywhere or is there legal issues (I know you need to ask land owners ie farmers if you wanted to use their field).

Any help would be great.

Which society was that? I know the Liverpool AS is near you, I've been a member for 2 decades and from what I know of them, it's unlikely they would have felt you were in the way. I know last wednesday was clear, I wasn't there then but usually when it's clear members tend to bring their own telescopes rather than use the society's and maybe the reason you felt in the way was because they were busy setting up, and some of them are still new members, only been in the society a few weeks so they might have felt they couldn't help with being new themselves. Whenever someone new has turned up and asked for help they've always received that help, maybe you should go again tomorrow, there'll always be someone there to help, I won't be there tomorrow though.

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I've met a few people out observing on my own. A chap doing a bat survey, a couple of farmers thinking I'm lamping and some blokes cycling to a nearby pub! In my experience they have all been friendly and all wanted to have a look through the scope. But as in all things consider your own safety first. I managed to set up a group on stargazers and really miss it because there are people in the local area interested in astronomy even if they don't make it out with you. The new forums are not the same. I do go out with them and I think I prefer being with someone because they also know something you don't and you can learn from their knowledge. I would see if you can find someone local either through Stargazers or a local group.


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Which society was that? I know the Liverpool AS is near you, I've been a member for 2 decades and from what I know of them, it's unlikely they would have felt you were in the way. I know last wednesday was clear, I wasn't there then but usually when it's clear members tend to bring their own telescopes rather than use the society's and maybe the reason you felt in the way was because they were busy setting up, and some of them are still new members, only been in the society a few weeks so they might have felt they couldn't help with being new themselves. Whenever someone new has turned up and asked for help they've always received that help, maybe you should go again tomorrow, there'll always be someone there to help, I won't be there tomorrow though.

Where is the Liverpool society darksite? and how does one go about joining?

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Which society was that? I know the Liverpool AS is near you, I've been a member for 2 decades and from what I know of them, it's unlikely they would have felt you were in the way. I know last wednesday was clear, I wasn't there then but usually when it's clear members tend to bring their own telescopes rather than use the society's and maybe the reason you felt in the way was because they were busy setting up, and some of them are still new members, only been in the society a few weeks so they might have felt they couldn't help with being new themselves. Whenever someone new has turned up and asked for help they've always received that help, maybe you should go again tomorrow, there'll always be someone there to help, I won't be there tomorrow though.

Yeah it's Liverpool AS at pex hill, I went last week and it was good, I am working tomorrow night but I will go again next Wednesday, maybe not take my telescope and just talk to people. I met a few people last week, Noel was very helpful and helped me with my new telescope (which I broke by snapping the tripod but I have now fixed it) and Brendon was very nice too. I'm not doubting that everyone is not helpful, I just don't like to bother people, I have been like that all of my life.

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check out the sub groups on the social forums - I know the one in S Wales where I live go out together every so often - next meets beginning of March which I'm going to get to hopefully (clouds willing) - I'm looking forward to it - it can be a bit of a lonely hobby I guess but as has been mentioned there is something soulful about being on your own in the dark staring at the skies.

I went to a local park last week to see if that would be suitable but couldn't believe how many teenagers and their cars were there in the gloom so decided probably not the place to be on my own at night - have a bit of a drive around on a Sunday afternoon to suss out some suitable sites in the daylight - theres bound to be somewhere fairly local .

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When i go to suss out a new dark site i always go with nothing at all just me and the priest:evil6: and just stand in the middle of the field and look to see what lp is like and listen out for the sound of the country side at night what traffic goes by, rustling in bushes, dodgy blokes in dark clothing, ghosts:p and wot not.

I always stand there for about an hour and if anyone comes or a group of strangers turn up or farmer with gun i can leg it back to my van with out leaving my kit (at mo is just a rucksack with books and bins in but getting scope soon).

So far its worked and i have sussed out some really good sites and have also seen a badger set last year so ended up watching them until the twilight turned into darkness but i could still hear them.

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Where is the Liverpool society darksite? and how does one go about joining?
Pex Hill where we are based is good, but it's not a dark site, some of us sometimes go to Llyn Brenig in North Wales or sometimes we go to Delamere Forest.

To join you just need to turn up to either Pex Hill on any Wednesday evening between 7 and 9 or to one of our monthly meetings at the Quaker Meeting House in School Lane in Liverpool city Centre, the next meeting is Feb 17th at 7PM.

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I'm also in St Helen's and am a member of LAS. I can't make it as often as I'd like due to work & family commitments but when I have been up to Pex the other members have always been approachable, patient and helpful.

Star parties are a great idea too. I went to the Peak Star Party in October last year. It's not too far for us in the NW and it was a fantastic event. Good skies too when it was clear.

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ive never taken my scope to a dark sky site but my bins are always with me at work, i collect milk from farms at night so spend all night in the middle of nowhere, its amazing how much you can see from a dark site.

i know some of the farmers well enough to take my scope on to their farms but havent done so yet.

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It can be daunting being alone in the dark and night time noises in the middle of nowhere - but equally character building :icon_salut:

Being an ex-squaddie who has done hundreds of night manouvers and plenty of stag (guard duty) in the middle of forrests and jungles, trust me, your senses will run away with you at times and you will imagine trees moving and all sorts but just let people know exactly where you are going how long you expect to be there and if possible get someone to help you set up and meet you later to pack up. Lots of fishermen go out on their own with expensive kit with no problems. and of course Mobile phones to keep in touch with family if you intend to stay out longer than expected.

Clear Skies.


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I would have thought you might have been of intetrest to them in that case :icon_salut:

Them maybe, me no:D.

From what I have seen of exhibitionists- which is not much, fortunately, they are not the most impressive representatives of the species:eek:

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Being an ex-squaddie who has done hundreds of night manouvers and plenty of stag (guard duty) in the middle of forrests and jungles, trust me, your senses will run away with you at times and you will imagine trees moving and all sorts but just let people know exactly where you are going how long you expect to be there and if possible get someone to help you set up and meet you later to pack up. Lots of fishermen go out on their own with expensive kit with no problems. and of course Mobile phones to keep in touch with family if you intend to stay out longer than expected.

Clear Skies.


I too am an ex squaddie - been on many exercises in dark sites, and stagged on etc etc and I would have given my rifle and rounds over to any terrorist in exchange for a blumming big torch!

I'm such a poof in the dark :icon_salut:

clear skies, Sandra

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MjrTom - I was at the top left hand corner of the main field along with girlfriend and my little boy - 3 pitches along from Moonshane (a good point of reference I think as just about everyone there got to view something through his Dob!)

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observing in my garden is OK but you can hear numerous tv's - radio's, neighbour badly playing his guitar, the odd drunk passer by, traffic noise (although not too bad) - the guy 4 houses over screaming at his wife again.....

I don't even have to go outside for that experience :icon_salut:

Dark sky sites and personal safety:

The other night I drove an hour out in to the sticks with the scope. I put on my kevlar jacket and took my small collection of semi-automatic weapons, assault rifles and hunting knives with me. When I set the gear up I felt perfectly safe. :)

However, imagine my surprise when I looked up, only to find it was a completely overcast night. If only I'd have looked before I set off. Worse still I'd only gone and left the safety catch off the Heckler and Koch.

Driving home in the dark with one foot is no fun you know.......

Seriously, I've yet to try a dark sky site but, even if it's not with the scope, binoculars will be taken wherever we may go. To be able to look up in a dark site when what you see above you can be navigated rather than just looking like a random bunch of stars with Orion and the Plough in it must be fantastic.

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I have yet to go "group observing" since I have had trouble finding some around my region (Quebec). I would really love the experience though.

How did I take care of safety issues while experiencing great areas with little light pollution? I have a dog. A big dog that growls! To tell you the truth, I have yet to encounter any problems. What I find is a burden "out there" is the cold. Being far,.. you are also far from any source of heat. During the summer, the mosquitoes made me run for shelter many times.



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I have street lighting on both my front and back yard,so my only option is to take the car to a remote site. Best sites for me locally are on Dartmoor, but winter is a risky business where the roads tend not to be gritted. I'm more worried about that than anybody else being daft enough to be out there.

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I put on my kevlar jacket and took my small collection of semi-automatic weapons, assault rifles and hunting knives with me.
Heheh. Sounds like some (minority) of our friends on CN - An almost sacred mission to rid the world of "bad people" who might tangle with them... :)

As others have said, you do only seem to get "trouble" near to major (human) habitation, with easy access to roads etc. It is unfortunate that a five minute daylight stroll down a country lane with a "few puddles" can transform itself into a 1/2 hour "mudslide challange", loaded down with equipment, during darkness. :icon_salut:

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