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Hi from Nottingham


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Hi All

I just wanted to introduce myself as a new member here.

After years of reading on the subject, I've recently got my first telescope, a Skywatcher Skymax 127 Synscan. I'm really pleased with it and have really enjoyed seeing Jupiter, the moon as well as the Crab Nebula, Andromeda and the Plaedies.

Up to now, I have just been observing from the back garden which is quite light polluted (although the SE section of sky is actually comparatively dark - so I can see a lot more there).

I did take the scope out to Surprise View in the Peak District when I was there for a weekend last week (although, to be honest, I was the only person with a scope and did not feel massively secure (especially when a car load of teenage pot smokers turned up) although they did not come near to where I was) which did allow me to get a good view of Andromeda. Pretty amazing to see something like that for the first time.

I've just about got the hang of using the scope now and have really enjoyed getting to know it. I know that there's a lot more that it will do and show me with more practice.

I would really like to hear if anyone knows of any particulary good sites in the area as well as if there are any meet ups that happen. I am going to go along to the Nottingham Astronomical Society as soon as I am able and would be interested to hear if anyone would recommend it as a group.

Have found out a wealth of info, just by browsing this site. I did not realise that there were so many people in the world that shared this interest!



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Hi Kev and welcome to the SGL. Since I'm from across the "big pond", can't help you with the observing sites but other locals should help you out. Wishing you many clear, dark skies with your new scope.

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Hi Kev, welcome to SGL. You touched upon one of my concerns there, security.

I have no land of my own to set up on to will have to travel out to site and a large part of my preparation to buy my first scope has concerned just where I can do this safely. Its a worry!

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