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solar activity???


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Just got set up with some new Ha gear,to do a lot of summer imaging.But hey,am I glad I did not buy that expensive Baader solar wedge yet? Where are the spots?? We should be approaching a maximum...but it seems not...we could be going into a Dalton Minimum, or worse yet, even the Maunder Minimum?:D:eek::clouds1::eek:.

OMG......that could even mean the start of a mini ice age:eek::cussing::eek::bino2:.

Does this mean that Al Gore really is an arrogant and uninformed t.t??:D:mad:

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I did read an article in one of the astro mags recently about the possibility of the sun "skipping" the next predicted maximum (i.e. not the current cycle but the next one) and this potentially causing a mini ice age.

Am currently trying to decide between new planetary scope or Ha scope this year so this may be a consideration if solar activity does not pick back up. Having said that activity at the back end of 2011 was really high so the sun may just be "taking a breath"

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Maybe not so many spots but there seems to be plenty going on alot of the time, prominences and filaments seem quite plentiful. New to this so not sure if they are always present or increase at maximum too?


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I've been watching since July 2009 and it wasn't until January 2010 that I saw my first active region. I hope it started then, so we should have a few more years before maximum. We will worry when all the activity shifts to the south, that would indicate then we had passed the peak!


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I wouldnt worry too much, it seems the sunspots come in waves. right now is the low, but the high tide is rolling in soon! Anyway, during the last solar miniumum when we would have months of no spots, I used my PST nearly every day and found that the prominences were always acitive and exciting. Go for that Ha scope, you wont regret it!

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I was rather disappointed by the lack of sunspots when I got back to doing white solar the other day. Just one decent one, a couple of almost non-existent ones and a few specks.

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