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I've done it............Ordered Skywatcher 200P Dob

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Just completed my order and now the long wait for delivery.

Also ordered the Premium Cheshire Collimating Eyepiece which i think will be required when i get it.

AAAAAAAHHHHH I can't wait. Had to tell someone. The mrs doesn't know and won't know till its been delivered :)

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congratulations on your purchase. i really hope it's a fantastic scope 'cause i just ordered the same scope (on a eq mount though) i ordered it 12 hrs ago and its still not here yet, lol. maybe i'm impatient but i can't wait.

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LOL Casus :clouds1:

Congratulations on your new purchase :D

Mine came through on Wednesday, I ordered it last Saturday. Have only been able to take it out the night I got it, finder scope wasn't aligned but I still managed to find Jupiter and the nebula in Orion's scabbard (as well as the moon).

The supplied 10mm eyepiece, despite people's poor opinions of it on this forum, gave me magnificent views of Jupiter, with 2 clearly defined bandings and at least 3 moons (probably 4). I thought I saw the "Red Spot" but it may have been wishful thinking/trick of the eye.

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Welcome to the club :D

Its a great scope, however the 2 mahoosive boxes that will turn up might give the game away to the mrs, mine sat staring at them saying "thats TOO big" and "where are you going to keep that" :clouds1: this went on until it was moved to the garage!

Enjoy and post the pics when it arrives

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Oh dear - mrs doesn't know??

Some stock excuses...may not cut it :D

Mine lives in the kitchen much to the my missus chagrin....Often can't it go in the garage was heard.....

But dear - the optics are sensitive and will rust too damp and cold in there.....ahh the ignorance of a bean counter over the scientific -

However being a bean counter - its hard to pull the wool over her eyes with a new purchase :clouds1:

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I was speaking to my good lady lastnight testing the waters of getting a new telescope. Her reply was where are you planning on keeping it and you already have one (a rubbish old one) that you never use. She's not going to be happy when 2 big boxes turn up. i'm going to tell her that i won it on ebay for £80 :D

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I was speaking to my good lady lastnight testing the waters of getting a new telescope. Her reply was where are you planning on keeping it and you already have one (a rubbish old one) that you never use. She's not going to be happy when 2 big boxes turn up. i'm going to tell her that i won it on ebay for £80 :D

No Nooooooo never underestimate your dear lady....:clouds1:

The won it one ebay doesn't work - unless you have some serious proof :cussing:

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The truth hurts......Anyway she'll find out in a few days while i'm still at work so plenty of time to come to term with it.

This is going to have an ugly end I can feel it :clouds1:

Great scope though, at least when you're in the dog house you'll have peace and quiet to observe :D

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This is going to have an ugly end I can feel it :clouds1:

Great scope though, at least when you're in the dog house you'll have peace and quiet to observe :D

We'll know in a few days when my next post is either "Hey check out my new scope" or "Whats my scope worth....Need to pay for a lawyer"

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This reminds me of the time I bought a racecar, the then wife said "no chance, it's me or a car" I calmly said "I'm picking it up tomorrow night, do you want a hand with your bags?"

We're divorced now, maybe I underestimated that one a bit.

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I don't know whether to congratulate you on the purchase of a fine telescope or the bravery you're about to show in trying to outfox the Dragon Lady :D.

I suppose you could try and convince her that you tried to buy her an exotic vase on ebay to put her Valentine's Day flowers in but you pressed the wrong button by mistake :clouds1:.


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