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Hello from Edinburgh!


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Hello all at SGL!

I've been reading the forum for a while now, gathering information prior to a new telescope purchase. You all seem like a friendly and knowledgable bunch, so I thought I'd join up and say hello.

I'm fairly new to astronomy, but, have been interested since i was a young lad, on summer holidays with my family, laid on my back in the French Ardennes looking up at the stars and passing satellites with my dad. A friend of mine at school had a cheap telescope that we used to point at the moon and wonder what it was like to stand on its surface.

Fast forward a few *coughs* years and I would like to continue that exploration I started many years ago. I have a reasonable pair of binoculars and I've just purchased my first telescope, a Skywatcher Equinox 80 on a HEQ5 Pro mount.

For a number of years I have enjoyed photography as a hobby and although I'm under no illusion that astrophotography will be easy, I am looking forward to combining my interests.


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Hi Chris and welcome to the forum. Well that mount of yours will certainly slip you nicely into imaging so you are off to a very good start! To help you further, may I suggest a book by Steve Richards "Making Every Photon Count " (FLO £19.95) which will give you a very comprehensive overview of imaging, or as we like to term it, the 'dark art'. It will tell you what you need and why you need it to ensure that you're first image of a black hole is not the one in your wallet!!! Lots of people will have this book and I am sure has contributed to he great images that have appeared on here.

Clear skies


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Thanks for the warm welcome all and thanks for the book recommendation JBM1165!

I've decided to get to know my new scope and gain experience in using it before attempting anything photo related. Astronomy seems more and more baffling the more I look into it, so I don't want to try and do to much to soon.

Because of this, I'm leaving the purchase of camera adapters and field flatteners for another time, but, when I do go down that route are there different adapters depending on whether your cameras sensor is 35mm or APS-C in size?

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