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Skywatcher Skyliner 200P Dobsonian

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Hi folks...

After spending some time with my 10x50 Lidl specials, I'd really like to try out a 'scope...

Having just sold off some of my least used camera lenses to fund this purchase, and having done a bit of web forum/review checking, I'm looking to aquire one of the above beasties...

Any users out there who would like to pass on their wisdom and thoughts regarding it...?

I'm blessed most nights with dark skies, with almost no pollution, and can happily sit at my front door for hours.:)



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To save me starting another thread guys (sorry for the hijack, I'm merely repeating your question :)), I'm new to it all and this telescope has grabbed my attention across the forum quite a bit. I guess it's worth getting with some form of tripod? About £400?

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Excellent, thankyou :) I think photography is a long way off... would the above be fitable to a tripod later on? And last question for this evening, and it's a proper newbie one I'm afraid - is it easy to track, say, the moon or Jupiter manually with no goto etc on this scope at full magnification?

I will now not hijack Bloosman's thread anymore, very kind to let me butt in :)

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Depending upon where you live the seeing conditions vary so you won't be using the scope at it's maximum magnification but at the maximum usable due to you seeing restrictions. That being said thats still going to be high up to x200. Getting used to tracking objects is just practice you'll master it in no time.

Good luck and happy star hunting :-)

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Yes they can be fitted to tripods/mounts at a later date, though for such a large scope you'l be looking at a very expensive mount. You can always sell it later when you decide to switch, astro gear holds it's price REALLY well.

And as for tracking/nudging, everyone else seems to manage it :)

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On order from FLO....

Am I excited....?????.....:)

Mine arrived this morning, it was like being 5 years old at christmas again :)

Simple and fun to put together, took maybe 30mins at a leisurely rate. Makes the mods you see people do to improve things like stiction etc a lot less scary when you've put the thing together yourself.

Also, it's BIG. Even if you know the measurements, even if you've measured the space you'l put it in, even if you've actually had a play with one "in the field", you'l still think it's huge when it's finally sitting in your lounge.

Feels like great quality though, everything is solid and well made, and the new scope smell is amazing. :):D:D

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Also, it's BIG. Even if you know the measurements, even if you've measured the space you'l put it in, even if you've actually had a play with one "in the field", you'l still think it's huge when it's finally sitting in your lounge.

Feels like great quality though, everything is solid and well made, and the new scope smell is amazing. :):D:D

They are bigger than you think! I'm sure you'll enjoy it, wishing you clear skies. They're fantastic 'scopes. :)

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