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Hello from Redditch, Worcestershire!


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Hi there,

I'm Rob :D I have been watching Stargazing Live on BBC 2 and have found it extremely interesting indeed! I have never done star gazing ever in my life but it looks very fun and it would be something I could let my children do safely. So basically looking out for some good advice on a good but reasonable priced telescope and plenty of advice :)

Many Thanks


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HI Rob (+ little ones) and welcome to the forum. Astronomy is a great subject to get involved with and there are plenty of aspects to suit all manner of interests. To help and the gang to get to know the sky, many of us here use a free piece of planetary software called Stellarium. Easy to use with plenty of 'toys' on it to keep you and the kids going when the clouds come in. A useful tool is the advance time/calendar which can help work out what the sky will look like at any given time in the future. It will also help you identify what you can see. It is free and you can access it here. There are plenty of star parties and outreach events on at the moment, so there's some great possibilities to look at jupiter etc through some great scopes. Enjoy and lets us know how you're getting on.

Clear skies


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