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Meade LX80


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Has any one bought one of these mounts, they really look the ideal job for me, very good spec, i just happen to be saving for a new mount this year, might just be tempted to give this a try, better see what i can ebay to raise some cash :)

Looks like in alt az mode it would take the 180 and the 100rs side by side ;)

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I might well try the meade, if i can save enough money by time they come out, though not always best to be one of the first to try new gear, i really could do with a slightly stronger mount than the EQ5 im using, it works okay with the 180 but its right near its limit

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Hi Jules,

I am with ChrisH, Meade have a poor record with first outings, I love the look of the mount and am tempted to de-fork my 10" LX for it. But I will not do so until the beta testing has been done and some reviews come in post sale!


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I emailed Meade about this mount a month ago when I was thinking of buying it and the guy said they were hoping for a mid to late january release. I'm in the U.S. so not sure what that translates to for you guys and gals in Britain. Probably another couple months unfortunately.

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  • 3 months later...

Since I bought one of this mounts, was looking for delivery info and came across this on the official Meade web site.

LX80s are now shipping! - Meade Announcements - Meade 4M Community


28 posts

Posted 23 April 2012 - 02:17 PM

The wait is over! The first shipment of LX80s went out today!

We're looking forward to hearing your reports once they get delivered!

Clear Skies.

Hopefully mine will be delivered by months end. Can't wait to see if all the hype is true. Clear skies!

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Curious. It looked like a mile of play in the RA bearing which you'd expect to be some kind of conical device.


So he resolved that issue per this video ...

Meade LX800 Shaky sloppy mount fixed! At least I hope so... - YouTube

... but the mount seems to be suffering from stiff clutches in this one so he can't properly balance the scope (shades of the iEQ45 v1?)...

Meade LX800 Clutches? - YouTube

... and he's also had some Starlock problems in this one ...

Meade LX800 Starlock fail? - YouTube

The CN discussion (which does go on a bit!) can be found here ...

Telescope Reviews: LX-800

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It's a bad start for Meade but not the end of the world for the mount. That may well come later, but then it may not! (The ludicrously inadequate fork mounts have been selling strongly for years and consumer protection seems to have had nothing to say about it.) In some worlds - cars, for instance - the QC is often remarkably good these days. Consider how complicated cars are. Then in other fields things are sent out in a ratty state, obviously unchecked.

Regarding the clutch stiffness and iOptron my gripe, as I said in my Astronomy Now review, was that the manual pretended that the problem didn't exist and told you to balance in the usual way. That was bad. They should have come up with a useful suggestion, not a sweep under the carpet job.


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The new meade mounts certainly look nice. I was interested in the LX80 as I think that kinda suits my needs and my dreaming mount would be the LX800. In all honesty though given all the money in the world I'd still stay clear of the mounts. It really does annoy me that a company that will charge thousands for a mount will just ship it regardless of if it works or not. Just look at the prices of the damn things, its not like we are talking a couple of hundred quid from dodgy dave down the pub but an international company that is so called specialists in the field of astronomy. Meade have this reputation for a reason and its safe to say that its a classic case of buyer beware!!! It really saddens me when this happens and I bet their aftersales arent very helpful either!!!

Im keeping my wallet firmly closed until the new skywatchers arrive, even then I'll hold my breath!! Everybody has teething problems and I understand this but what on earth is R&D and user groups for??


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Wow such scepticism, no one has this mount yet and only 2 or 3 people have the LX800 and the only problem with that seems to be the starlock function not staying on target which could well be user error reading between the lines on CN. There have been teething problems with pretty much all mass produced goto mounts at launch.

And 'ludicrously inadequate fork mounts' ? Really? Strange that so many people have and rate them highly, yes they're no good for long exposure AP without a wedge but not everyone wants to do that and for planetary or just good old fashioned visual oberving they are more than adequate.

I will probably get one of these LX80s when they finally arrive because tbh I'm very interested to see how it performs and prefer first hand experience to conjecture and hearsay.

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