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Hello out there


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Hi folks,

My name is Jan and I live on the Wirral (UK) My partner and I decided to buy a Telescope with our Xmas money. We purchased a Celestron 130 eq dm. Now neither of us know any thing about telescopes and not much more about astronomy. I am also a keen photographer and hope to get some good shots using the telescope rather than my 500 mm lens.

I already have lots of basic and probably stupid questions to ask so I decided to join this forum as it looked rather good.

Since we bought the telescope we have nothing but wind, rain,sleet etc so we only had 1 chance yesterday to even get the telescope outside but we did manage to see the moon before the wind and clouds got the better of us, one of the joys of living so close to the Irish Sea!!

Anyway that's enough from me I hope to get to know you folks better and I'm off to have a peruse at the FAQ's and other such things.


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Hi Jan and welcome to the forum. You will have to scrutinize the instructions again to see what they tell you about controlling the clouds - that page was missing with mine! :):D Don't forget to use the 'search' option at the top of the page (if you haven't spotted it) as it archives past questions and answers. Lots of people on here know a lot of information about practically everything astronomical so you're in good company to learn some interesting stuff.

Clear skies soon


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