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What's on your astro shopping list?


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My shopping list is now somewhat reduced as much that I've bought is now here. One exception is/are my Catseye collimation tools which appear to have been lost by the USPS somewhere in the UK :D

Still on the list are:

  • [li]A dew controller[/li]
    [li]Paragon 30mm eyepiece[/li]
    [li]either an HEQ5 Pro or EQ6 Pro...[/li]

...beyond that (and thats plenty!) I'm pretty much sorted* unless (or until) I get into imaging...


* Edit: unless Steve keeps stocking new products or Mrs Maccers checks my credit card statements....

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Edit: unless Steve keeps stocking new products....

Tell me about it!! Its the accessories that keep getting me, I've just ordered a 6" dew shield, 102mm rings (to convert to guide scope rings for my little 66mm), medium dovetail and a Cross-Hair Reticle to help get a spot on alignment...

I think I may also be getting one of those Hyperion Zoom eyepieces!!

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I'm pretty much sorted too. Just need an eyepiece case...one of those aluminium flight cases would be nice.

Possibly a big dob one day. Once we've moved I'll assess the sky. If it's not as bad as i remember, I may look for a secondhand 12" Lightbridge.

That's it for me.


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My current "wanted" list:

  • [li]ADM Counter weight rail (on its way)[/li]
    [li]Baader Hyperion Zoom Eyepiece[/li]
    [li]MoonLite Dual Rate SCT Crayford Focuser[/li]
    [li]Second 80mm OTA plus GOTO setup for observing while main kit is imaging.[/li]
    [li]Clear overnight skies (would swap for a "Jessica Alba" :D )[/li]
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I'm pretty much sorted too. Just need an eyepiece case...one of those aluminium flight cases would be nice.

Possibly a big dob one day. Once we've moved I'll assess the sky. If it's not as bad as i remember, I may look for a secondhand 12" Lightbridge.

That's it for me.


Russ, I brought a perfect sized flight case recently from B&Q for £10, it didn't have foam inside but a kind of rubber surface with adjustable walls, I've used it to bung all my odds and ends in, works a treat...

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After todays little escapades on the FLO site, I don't think I'm allowed to spend another penny on astro gear for the next decade......

(but an EQ6Pro and 250PX are on their way to my house, muahhahahahahhahaha!)


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After todays little escapades on the FLO site, I don't think I'm allowed to spend another penny on astro gear for the next decade......

(but an EQ6Pro and 250PX are on their way to my house, muahhahahahahhahaha!)


Ah, so after what me and you have spent with FLO in the last 48 hours it seems Steve and his family will be dining on Caviar! And good luck to him too :D.

Meanwhile, I had a look at my original post and it would seem that I've got most of my list, so I'm happy. For now.... Of course any real bargains come up, it'll be hard not to pass up on them...


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I'm just sorting my ep kit. I bought a 24mm Antares SWA last winter, and am about to acquire a 4.3mm W70 and a 7.5mm SWA. Next will be a 17.5mm SWA and an apo Barlow, and my ep kit will be settled for a few years.

I would like motors for my mount, or even better, a goto mount.

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That "cottage by the sea" with dark skies? :lol: After many a kerfuffle (LOL) and misjudgement on my part, I'm rather HAPPY with my modest stuff. I would rather fancy one of these "minimalist" Dobsonsians though. The idea of a HUGE mirror balanced in a miniscule rocker box and skeleton tube... Just so neat! :D

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  • Here's my list..

    • [li]Skyliner 250PX On order[/li]
  • [li]Refractor Crayford Focuser[/li]
    [li]Reflector Crayford Focuser[/li]
    [li]EQ6 Pro goto + 10" tube rings When funds available![/li]

Long Long Long term...

A house+observatory out in the country for my retirement ?


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I will be very modest here :p

1st and most important - polar scope. I seem to struggle without it a lot :?

2nd telescope and tripod cases

Of course there are loads other things like EQ6 pro and skywatcher 300 newt :lol: But thats like in at least 5 years or so :D

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I'm saving up for construction materials-I need to redesign and rebuild the rolloff roof Obs to house the Binocular chair, the spectrohelioscope and the coronagraph. I also need to build another dome for the 16" F/5 split ring scope.

















Then, maybe I can build all that stuff... :insects1:

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