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Can you guess where I've been??


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Did they move the scope while you were there? It's awesome to see it swinging slowly around. It was windy the day we went and they had to park it - from inside the visitor center it felt like the whole room was moving lol :)

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Yes thank you Marmite. It was a good day out and the wife enjoyed herself despite it not being her thing. She was very enthusiastic about getting the discovery trail certificate and was amazed at the sheer size of the Lovell telescope. The speed that the dish slews was the shock for me. 3200 ton, 75 meter wide dish gliding effortlessly around in next to no time was a sight and every now and again you could hear the motors power up as the telescope tracked it's chosen object. The whispering dishes were great fun and we were like a pair of school kids again. :) Although there isn't a great deal to the place there is plenty of information to keep you occupied and 4 hours flew by. I would probably go again but in summer to make the best of the gardens. I was amazed to see that the Lovell telescope was still visible from the M6 (6.2 miles away) when we set of for home.

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