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Hello and meteor Q


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Hello All, on this balmy and lovely clear night.

Meteor tonight. Came down in two distinct parts, one blue-green, the other orange, the one following the other, both trailing *sparklings* before disappearing almost on the sea's horizon, due north of Banff. All over in about a half a second.

What kind of meteor does that ?!?

Absolutely brilliant forums by the way: more than half of my googlings on scopes come here.

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Hi David and welcome to SGL, your meteor was more than likely a slightly bigger than average piece of cosmic debris, which split on entering the Earths atmosphere, this would be different to a meteorite ( Achondrites ) which have traveled vast distances from such as the Asteroid Belt, these are very ancient and if it had been of any size would have really woken your neighborhood up :p


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hi Dave and welcome i was looking for m101 last night and a great one streaked through the ep orange and red almost looked like little balls falling of the streak there ,the piscids shower may still be showing a few may be seen about 3 last night

October as the Orionids shower the best time to see this one is between the 15th/29 October,it peaks between 21st/22

there should be some good ones if the moon keeps out the way

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Hi David - Welcome to SGL

I love watching meteors - gives you a good buzz but its all over too soon. Looking forward to the Draconids on Oct 8. Hope its clear skies that night.... :) Think the colours you see are due to metals in the meteor reacting with atmosphere....

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