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Hello from Down Under


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Hi all,

I thought I better introduce myself. My name is Daniel (Dan) and I'm in Australia. I currently own a Tal200K (since 2006), an 8" Dob (since 2002) and my first ever scope, a 60mm tasco refractor (since 1998).

I will always remember my first views of Saturn, Jupiter and the moon through my refractor. I soon upgraded to the dob in preparation of Mars' close approach in 2003. I actually used an old 1970s SLR camera to take some afocal shots of Mars during its 2003 opposition.

In about 2005, I purchased a toucam and started imaging using my dob. I soon wanted to get another scope and also a mount. I was told the Tal200K was a great scope. There weren't many secondhand ones advertised but I eventually was sent a message on Astromart from someone in the US stating they were selling their Tal200K. Postage to Australia prevented me from saying "yes" straight away. Luckily, I was visiting the US for work so I had the scope delivered to me, which I took home on the plane.

Next, the mount. Again, I was fortunate enough that a local dealer had a secondhand EQ6 fitted with Astromeccanica motors. I jumped at the chance!

After about 1.5-2 years off from using the scope, I am again getting back into the swing of things. I have started prime focus imaging using a canon 400D camera, my 8" Newt on the EQ6. The tasco refractor is currently my guidescope. However, I now wish to use the Tal200K for imaging. The major issue is changing over the standard 1.25" focuser to a 2" one. I will have to search around the forums as I know a few people have done this. If anyone can direct me to users that have, that would be great!



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I've had wall to wall cloud up here for ages, since I got my scopes dusted down and ready to go for the new season.

Eliot recently sold his scope.

SpookyKatt has a HOO backplate and is installing a 2" focuser, I believe.


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Bummer about the cloud.

Was Eliot's scope the one I mentioned in the tal group? The one that was recently sold on here?

Hopefully SpookyKatt can keep us updated. Others on the tal yahoo group have updated their focusers to a 2". It would be interesting to hear what they have to say. If the 2" focuser doesn't work, then I guess the helical focuser might be the only alternative, unless I just want to accept vignetting with the 1.25" focuser. I will await what HOO has to say.

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