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Hi all

I joined the forum a couple of days ago and thought I should say Hello to everyone .... So here it is.......


So what about me then? ....... I'm totally lost, know nothing, skint and can't afford anything. ;)

I do love looking at the night sky, even taken a few pics :) I have a few bits and pieces to look at our beautiful skies and our abundance of clouds... Strange how they always look orange at night though? especially in my photos:confused:

I remember a few years ago buying a cheap pair of binoculars with removable eyepieces and thought.... what a pain having to change eyepieces just to change magnification :) and they were quite heavy, but not too bad on a tripod. Can't remember the make, but was something like My uchi or maybe Imyuchi... anyway something Japanese sounding.... could have been Mywyuchi? ..... I'm thinking of taking them to a car boot sale, maybe useful to the twitchers!

I was really disappointed with the scope I bought.. A Celestron 9.25 thingy!. Don't get me wrong I had some excellent views of the neighbours bedroom window through the scope and thought it was wonderful, but after a few months having the scope stored in the garage ( A Police thing ) I noticed this horrible fugus on the glass at the front of the scope and the mirror had gone a funny colour with lots of brown blotches all over it. :( I hope it still works? .... Does it cost much to remove the Garage fungus?

In an effort to rejuvenate my love of the sky and all things astronomical I managed to acquire a small telescope that apparently can be used to look at the sun :) I do understand that this can be very dangerous though. The seller at the car boot stall tried to assure me that the scope was safe, but I wasn't convinced ;) ..... It had a name like carondo or something like that? I seem to remember the front lens was all red and had something like a black disc stuck underneath the lens and when I looked through it I couldn't see a thing, I tried to see a close up of some birds in a nearby tree without luck!.... Jeez he wanted nearly fifty quid for that scope and it only had a 60mm aperture? Some people huh? :D

I also bought a 450D Canon camera and had it converted for Astro imaging, but what a joke that was :) however hard I tried to photograph Andromeda the camera just never seemed to capture it and my lens a 50mm Canon lens is sound, a really good lens.... Really don't understand this? ....... If I buy a camera for Astro imaging I expect close up views of Jupiter at least.... even Saturn's rings.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and where do you guys find all the bargains as Astrology is just soooooo expensive.

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Hi Stagman

Indeed, many of those 'thingy's' you mentioned are totally unsuitable for Astrophotography.

Fortunatly I provide a free disposal service, just pop it all in the post :)

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Thanks again.... and please don't take my original post too seriously - Just my attempt at humour :)

Feww! got to be up there with the most sarky first post? :(

hehe Welcome :)

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