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My name is Joel, this site was recommended to me by Steve from First Light Optics. I've been interested in astronomy and cosmology for a while (well, more planetry than stars, really), 'though it's only recently that I've taken it on seriously. I'm hoping to strt a degree in physics this year, although I might end up studying part time as I have a few other commitments, such as trying to side my own business and trying to hold down a career as a professional musician!

Hopefully you'll all be able to help me with (lots) of questions which I have, and I actually have a couple already which I'll post under the appropriate section.

Thanks for reading this, Joel

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Hi Joel, You will get all the friendly support you need on this site :).

Sounds like you have a busy life - where are you intending to study for you degree. I'm just finishing my MSc (Physics "type" course) it's very demanding fitting work in around studies and getting out to do some observing.

I wish you well



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To tell the truth I was thinking of studying part-time through the OU, as (this makes me sound like a right swot) I'm hoping to study a BMus as well. I was originally studying science and technology as I was going to enter the engineering fields, but, long story short, my military career was quickly ended because of panic attacks, and I carried on with what I'd been doing since I was five, as it was progressing for me quite well.

Really I suppose I'm keeping my options open. At least that's the plan...

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