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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. Two couriers made deliveries today. The SW 250 Flexitube dobsonian, AstroZap light shroud, dew shield and a 2” concenter. I don’t know whether to upgrade the focuser or just fit an electric focuser motor and give that a go. If I use a 2.5x powermate will that raise the focal point? If not I’ll just buy a TV 3x barlow for planetary imaging.
  2. I know. I have so many boxes it’s unbelievable. That’s what I got for turning my back for a few minutes.
  3. Panic over. I had a friend who helped me carry the boxes off the pallet and into the house. He also cut the straps and opened the boxes for me while I was in the toilet. He said that he only threw a piece of packing in the bin outside. When he told me that on the phone I immediately went to the bin and retrieved it. Lo and behold nestled inside what indeed does look like packing were the missing parts. I asked him “ didn’t the suspected packing seem heavy to you?”. He simply shrugged his shoulders. Now to assembly. Thanks.
  4. No other parts were in the box. I’ve dissected the box thoroughly. I can only imagine that someone in China was having a bad day in the packing department.
  5. I think there’s a box missing containing the other base panels.
  6. Just received a new SW 10” go to dobsonian from @FLO. It’s unusable due to the front and one side of base is missing! I received two boxes on a pallet. One containing the scope and the other the Alt drive side and the driven base plates. No front or side plates. The handset was with all the screws and tools etc were with the driven sides. I’ve emailed FLO and I’m waiting for a reply. It came directly from OVL. Anyone bought one of these before?
  7. Get well soon Michael. May you have a speedy and full recovery 🤞.
  8. Lovely captures @yelsac. Drawing out some nice details.
  9. I have owned the same Celestron power pack for 3 years and it still functions like new. I use it to drive the go to and tracking on an EQ5 pro. Every time I use it I recharge it until full. It hasn't lost any performance yet🤞.
  10. Another thumbs up for the Helios Apollo 15x70's. Excellent binocular.
  11. Yep convex side always orientated towards the scope.
  12. Have you installed the drivers for the Asi cameras on your laptop?
  13. Welcome back Malcolm 👋.
  14. You can’t turn the focuser with the motor still attached. That’s why you say it’s stiff and needs force and feels like grit. You would need to remove the motor completely to turn the focuser by hand. I would return it if I were you and consider buying a complete new one that comes with the mount for just over an additional £100. It’s been way overpriced at £245. I agree with John at around £100 for someone with experience to fix up and refurbish. Good luck whichever way you decide.
  15. I pity the poor souls who have to process all the different data files. One is enough for me.
  16. bosun21

    M81 and M82

    They say that the first time is the best but I still get a thrill observing these many years later.
  17. Generally the reflectors sold with EQ2 mounts don't have a Vixen dovetail. A photograph of the telescope rings and the connection to the mount would help us clarify this for you.
  18. I've just ordered myself a roll of Reflectix and the tape for my Maksutov. Looking forward to fitting it and trying it out.
  19. When I take my 150 Maksutov outside the views are terrible due to shimmering and I even wait for an hour to check the alignment of my finder scope. I give it another half hour before observing/imaging the planets. The difference is night and day. SCT's require slightly less time but still require a cooling period to reach equilibrium.
  20. Great report and sketch. What bottle was the sky? You will find M81 & M82 soon enough as my first ever views of them was with a 4" achro in bortle 6 skies. Easy enough to see with direct vision.
  21. Sometimes the mobile device always wants access to the internet. The next time he connects to the Celestron WiFi if he pulls down from the top (Android) and selects don't ask again that should remedy it.
  22. Thanks. I'm West of Greenwich so that's +ve for both. Now I know. By the way I've been using my newly downloaded Firecapture all day with the dummy cam and I'm really impressed with it. I'll be using it from now on despite just buying a years licence for Sharpcap. The questions will get much fewer as I progress (I promise 🤞).
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