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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. I use a flip mirror in my 150 Maksutov which along with an accurately set finder makes placing the planet on the sensor easy enough. I use 5 - 7ms and a relatively small ROI to provide the highest possible frame rate which is around 200 FPS with an Asi585MC. I tried a 2x barlow and found that I received better results without it. 4-5 x pixel size for me came to f15 and the 150 is f12 which is much closer than using a barlow which would be f24. I myself have never had to do a meridian flip while capturing (at least not yet). Great first planetary image 👍.
  2. When buying Celestron Sky master binoculars it's best to go for the pro versions. They are much better quality and seem to have better QC.
  3. I didn't realise that the AZ-EQ5 had rotary clutches. What I described is for Skywatcher mounts with lever clutches. There must be a way of adjusting them though. You should start a thread asking any owners for comment. Congratulations on your new acquisitions Peter. I was wondering when you would succumb to upgrading your mount.
  4. That's exactly what I did with my Stella Lyra 12" dobsonian. I bought the Celestron LT70 and transferred the Starsense unit.
  5. You can easily adjust the clutches to provide more tension. Just remove the fixing screw and with the supplied spanner turn the brass square clockwise until it just starts to grip the axis then turn it back until free again. Refit the lever and screw.
  6. I have no idea where that came from. I'm still fumbling my way through all this new to me software. I will have a go at correcting it. It's distracting me as well.
  7. Just tried Winjupos for the first time. I don't know whether i have overdone the processing though. Thoughts?
  8. Thanks. I have been using Sharpcap for capture. I will have to have a look at Fire capture. I have just downloaded Winjupos today and I'm watching the tutorials on YouTube. Is the location details in degrees/minutes or decimal? I have watched two videos who say contrasting things. Sorry for the incessant questions but this is a steep learning curve. Much appreciated.
  9. Sorry to jump in Geof but what format do i put into Winjupos? Is it decimal degrees or other? Thanks.
  10. Thanks Nicola but it is the secondary mirror holder i am asking about. The ES dobsonians have a completely different design to standard dobs.
  11. Thanks Geof. I take it that you capture in mono?
  12. Last question Nicola. The secondary mirror holder is a different design to the norm I've noticed. Do you have any problems with adjusting this during collimation? Thanks.
  13. It's the plus and I haven't actually measured it but it's on the edge of reception of the air. It cuts out about 3-4m short. The material is basically glass patio doors.
  14. Thanks. I am looking at this router https://amzn.eu/d/2zlby What distance do you place the router from the Asiair? This method seems to be the resolution to my WiFi range I am looking for.
  15. Great captures 👍. I particularly like the animation.
  16. Take shorter exposures and stack them. What camera are you using?
  17. Great purchase Nicola. I now regret recently selling my 12" dobsonian and I'm now considering buying another. What is the weight of your ES please?
  18. I had a quick look at the manual and couldn’t believe how large it was. I will now read all of it during these cloudy skies.
  19. Is the router connected to the Asiair by means of an Ethernet cable? I am considering going this route myself and I’d be very happy with an additional 10m.
  20. Hi there, and a warm welcome to SGL.
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