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Everything posted by bosun21

  1. Sounds silly but make sure you have a target in the telescopes field of view. It’s deceiving when you point the scope at a tree for instance, for it not to actually be in the telescope view. Especially with a Maksutov with a small field of view. Try pointing it at something really large like a brick wall or even the ground of a distant field then try focusing. Can you hear anything moving inside the scope while handling it?
  2. Bottom of the garden will suffice assuming it's not a small garden.
  3. First point to use your telescope which is a Maksutov design. Take it outside or to a window with a distant view. Remove the plastic cover on the front of the telescope. Place your 25mm supplied eyepiece into the diagonal. Turn the focus knob until an image appears in focus. The eyepiece doesn't move in this type of telescope as it's the mirror inside which actually moves. You may have to make many turns on the focuser with this design of scope.
  4. Didn't realise that Tak were now getting into the barrow market 🤣.
  5. I have discovered that sharp focus is crucial. I actually check and adjust focus (if necessary) between every capture. Nice image 👍.
  6. I found that the BCO's were excellent in my MBII binoviewer. I always used the 18mm ones as part of my session.
  7. Postie dropped off a SW electric focuser. Now fitted to the new scope. Just waiting for first light and some planetary imaging.
  8. Considering your budget I would opt for one of the Skywatcher Heritage dobsonian telescopes.
  9. Lovely image despite the FPS. I'm glad you at least grabbed your opportunity of a short session. It's been dismal here as well for weeks now. I'm looking forward to first light with the new scope 🤞.
  10. It's actually more expensive than the EQ5 pro by about £80.
  11. I used to own three cases full of eyepieces but sold the majority of them as they were never being used. I now have only 10 plus TV barlow which covers all my bases. Oh and an ES extender.
  12. The exit pupil on your 15x100 will actually be 6.6mm.
  13. A 20" dobsonian in a dark sky. An astronomers wish come true (my wish). It must be really satisfying to see these faint galaxies.
  14. I'm in the same situation as yourself. I had optimism earlier but that swiftly faded away.
  15. I don't do EAA on the planets as you really need to take short videos 1-2 minutes to punch through the seeing and atmospheric turbulence. I generally take 90 - 120 second videos at 200 FPS and then stack them in Autostakkert III and finish with derotating in Winjupos then Registax 6/Astrosurface. I'm really getting into planetary imaging and thoroughly enjoy it. I'll be picking your brain when the planets are gone and I'll be doing EEA at native f4.7 with my go to dobsonian. Which plate solving software do I need to download again to use with Sharpcap? I hope you won't mind the questions I'll ask you then.
  16. For planetary you would want to be nearer f15 with a 2.9um camera. Which barlow are you using Peter?
  17. Fitting a plastic shim is how I've resolved this in the past. I think it's just that the manufacturing tolerances aren't all that accurate for red dot finders. I've encountered several RDF finders that required a shim.
  18. You had a busy night. I can never seem to get that many targets crammed into a single session. I find myself spending a while on each target just soaking it up. I may have to speed myself up a bit, however I would feel like I’m missing out on each target. Dilemmas, dilemmas 🤔.
  19. For some reason I keep forgetting to post first light reports. I think my last one was with the Starfield. I have had three scopes come and go since then for which I forgot first light reports. I will reprimand myself and definitely write one for my new one.
  20. @malc-c has spare boards that he repaired which he is selling at very reasonable prices.
  21. Yep, I’m guessing you have the GPC mounted wrong. Have you fitted it in your diagonal or the binoviewer itself? As already stated the convex lens must be orientated towards the telescope.
  22. Congratulations on your new scope. I have been weighing this scope up myself. If I hadn’t recently discovered planetary imaging I would have bought one instead of a 10” go to dobsonian. Looking forward to hearing your report on it.
  23. I'm sadly suffering from new scope syndrome. It's been more or less solid cloud cover here with no end in sight for the next 5 days. I'm itching to get first light soon.(I hope).
  24. Just delivered by DPD today. Televue 3x barlow for planetary imaging and a compression ring collar for my new go to dobsonian.
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