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Everything posted by Kon

  1. The only explanation I found online is that on side of Mars is dark and the other bright and it is causing this artefact. I shoot some IR images but it also had it there so not a colour issue.
  2. Thanks Neil. Yes very happy; I tried to apply much of the advise you have given me on processing. Thanks a lot!
  3. I think this is one of my best Jupiter captures so far; the seeing was pretty good at around 430am. I am happy to finally have the GRS in prominent position. 8" Dob, asi462mc, 2x barlow, UV/IR cut filter. PIPP, Autostakkert and Registax.
  4. I had a go on Mars again as it was higher in the sky this morning. Some nice features but I am getting this ring on the left hand side (even before stacking); I read somewhere it has to do with the light and dark side of the planet but not sure if there is a way to correct it; any advise is welcomed. 8" Dob, asi462mc, 2x barlow, UV/IR cut filter. PIPP, Autostakkert and Registax.
  5. I had my first go on capturing Uranus this morning. Very easy to spot above Mars. It is just a fuzzy blue dot 🤣. I am not sure if the change in colour at the left hand side (darker) is part of the polar cap or a processing artefact but the Winjupos simulation is looking similar; happy to get comments. 8" Dob, asi462mc, 2x barlow, UV/IR cut filter. PIPP, Autostakkert and Registax.
  6. Excellent result. Seeing was very good last night, wan't it? I am going through my captures at the moment.
  7. Nice captures, and the moon is putting the whole frame in 3d perspective.
  8. Great capture and details. The shadow is a nice bonus!
  9. I was out last night for a short session as clouds kept passing by. In the moments of clear skies the Milky Way was showing some nice structure. I started with M57 and followed by M27. Nice nebulosity on both and stars down to mag 12 could be seen. I think the transparency was on/off. The Coathanger looked great and it was the first time I paid attention to it. M71 was a fuzzy 'ball' with hardly any stars resolving. With clouds kept coming very frequently I didn't bother with the Veil. Saturn was rising and Cassini division showed nicely. Jupiter on my East was just getting up and it was just a mess of a fuzzy ball. No wonder with all the clouds. Happy to have been out and see some old favourites.
  10. Nice report and session. I find the sky is usually at it's best in terms of transparency after rain.
  11. Excellent report and the sky is looking great.
  12. Thanks, quite pleased with the result, considering it was still low in the sky.
  13. Nice capture and nice details on both the rings and planet itself. Let's hope to more clear nights.
  14. That's spectacular. I have never seen it like this before!
  15. A lot of excellent advice in this forum. It has helped me a lot with my captures.
  16. Nice image and detials. I did some colour balance in your posted image and noise reduction in Astrosurface; it took a couple of passes to get the balance right.
  17. Thanks Pete, I was very happy with this particular capture.
  18. Very nice animation and pretty smooth. I like the relative motion of the moon. Did you have to overexpose to capture it and then add it?
  19. Nice captures. I like your Mars it shows some nice details.
  20. I am going a bit off topic here, I am not so sure the colours are a trick of the eye. For example when seeing is not at its best I do not see reds on M42, more like greyish. I have seen rusty reds, pinkish that extend on the wings. Similarly the teal in the trapezium area. If that was the case we should see colours more regularly. It has to be related to the emission and which eye receptors are activated. Ps when I see colours, it is the time that Flame is also 'bright' and the HH visible for me with an Hb filter (after going night vision readjustment for a while). Yes the others sit at 20 degrees at their best for me so a lot of atmosphere to observe through. But trying with a UHC will be very interesting.
  21. You have me intrigued on colour on M42, 8 and 17 with a UHC. I have seen deep reds and teal green on M42 without a filter (under excellent transparency) but not on the others. Does a UHC routinely help or does it make them pop more under excellent conditions? I will be placing an order on the original DGM.
  22. Thanks. Yes the processing took a while, actually longer than I thought 🤣
  23. Thanks Neil. I didn't realise the amount of processing it takes to get it done. I am not sure it will be on my immediate plans any time soon 🤪.
  24. In this capture there is no GRS. They both seem to be storms as in this Stellarium screenshot.
  25. Stunning and the details especially on the IR is fantastic. Some of the best captures I have seen.
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