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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Great images and Jupiter is showing very nice details.
  2. For what is worth and my limited experience, I have the asi462 and I am getting frame rates of 304 on Mars ang Jupiter at a ROI of 640x480 and the exposure is still good enough to see the planet, histogram of 60-80%. Saturn I get close to 200. I did Neptune recently and it dropped to 19.I have an 8" Dob and I am manual tracking in that ROI, it is hard work but I enjoy it. Regarding size, i use a 2x barlow or 2.5x powermate and the images are good size, unless you are seeking images that feel your monitor then you will resize but lose resolution. Finally, ask questions and experiment. I have only been imaging for a year or so. Once you have the capture in your hard drive you can try until you get something satisfactory. Play with the capture settings. Post it here and seek feedback. Then try again. Depends on the capture quality every time, you may have to change the processing. Looking forward to seeing your images.
  3. Very nice captures and details. You have done good under this heat.
  4. If it wasn't for the wind, the seeing was not bad, as if it was making the atmosphere quite turbulent (maybe what you said about cold and warm pockets of air mixing).
  5. Thanks. I think being also higher up helped as well.
  6. Thanks. Both my filters are Svbony.
  7. Thanks, I agree that it is better. Seems to have less details but more natural.
  8. This was my attempt at Jupiter under the nt so great conditions last night. I may have got some moments of ok seeing. Some banding is coming through. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2x barlow.
  9. I did not expect to get any chance of observing and imaging Saturn at opposition. This is my attempt from this morning. Seeing was awful with high cloud and gusts of wind; it is also apparent in the colour image. This is more to record the opposition. In colour and in IR. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc with either UV/IR cut or IR pass filter, 2x barlow.
  10. Very nice, I like the second one better. It was awful last night. Visually it wasn't bad at moments but when I tried to image, it was less than 1-2 sec of good seeing and I also gave up.
  11. Thanks. Looks good, maybe a bit overexposed. I used to have the asi120mc-s and managed some good images. See this link and search for my earlier captures this year with the same asi120 camera. Are you using a barlow? https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/395255-my-best-iss-so-far/#comment-4247989
  12. Thanks for the feedback. I will experiment more until I find a pleasing workflow but I have a good starting point for now.
  13. Kon

    Sol 12-8-22

    Stunning details!
  14. Nice report Joe. It seems you have all the rain down under while UK is more like Australia at the moment. Did you spot the nearby NGC6207 by M13? It's quite nice with a wide FOV EP to observe both at low mag. With your 10" you may also spot IC 4617 at around mag 15.
  15. I finished off my imaging session this morning with Mars. I think I found a way to contain the ring effect to some extend by under sharpening in Registax and then using a high filter layer in Gimp as overlay. Let me know your thoughts. First image with my new workflow and second by my normal Registax sharpening. 8" Dob, manual, 2x barlow, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter. Resized 1.5x.
  16. Thanks. Isn't it funny that we rarely get good conditions, seeing etc to play together? Still nice to be out.
  17. Thanks Angie. Very pleased with it.
  18. Thanks, yes very pleased under the conditions.
  19. Thanks Neil. Seeing was better than previous nights but the wind did not help. Let's see if tonight it is any better
  20. It was visible from 4 when I did my first capture and this particular one was at 420.
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