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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Excellent pictures. The seeing could also have been better in the later images as well(?)
  2. I think we shot our images fairly close in time as your capture also shows it as oval.
  3. I captured my first Jupiter double transit this morning as I had seen in Stellarium that this will happen around 3-320am so I planned for this capture. Io is the closest moon on the picture and Ganymede further out. I quite like how irregular the Ganymede shadow looks (on the right). 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2x barlow, UV/IR cut filter. PIPP, Autostakkert and Registax.
  4. I had another go on trying to get Neptune and Uranus. Neptune a nightmare to image with long exposures and manual tracking; i had to up the gain and exposure. I was at 19 fps 😂. I am not doing it again! Uranus was nice and I managed some IR data showing some convincing features. 8" Dob, manual tracking, 2x barlow, UV/IR cut or IR pass filters. PIPP, Autostakkert and Registax. First one is Neptue and then Uranus in colour and IR. 1.5x drizzle for all.
  5. Saturn from the morning of 9th August. I noticed that since Saturn has risen in my S horizon it does not look good in my captures any more. A poor attempt from this morning. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, 2x barlow, UV/IR cut filter. PIPP, Autostakkert and Registax.
  6. Same here, I was not planning to be up but I noticed it as well. I got a decent Saturn I think.
  7. Fantastic. I really like the features on the moon. I was out same time.
  8. Very nice image. I really like your IR capture.
  9. I agree, all these late nights or I should say, mornings, are having their toll BUT how often do we get so many days of dry weather. I am looking forward to your planetary images.
  10. Thanks. Indeed, all my captures are with manual tracking.
  11. Excellent details considering it was captured at day light. The IR filter has really made a difference.
  12. Thanks for your kind words. Your feedback has been excellent and have helped me with the processing. As you know, I am always happy to receive constructive criticism. (Looking at it in a darker room, it is a bit over saturated).
  13. Very nice captures and details. Looks nice and natural.
  14. I have gone through my other Jupiter captures from yesterday morning. This is one might be better than the one posted yesterday. Slight different processing as well. Same capture details as before. It was captured earlier with darker skies and I think the colour balance has worked better.
  15. It's getting better and better, seems a lot sharper in my eyes. Same capture or one of your others?
  16. Great report Magnus. I love observing Veil but I have never seen the whole thing in my FOV, it must be quite a sight. Your observing site looks great.
  17. So going with this approach of histogram , whatever value, makes sense? The images look fine so I assume it is right? Experimenting is the only way to find how things work.
  18. Excellent Saturn. It looks really natural and nice banding details on the planet.
  19. Thanks Martyn. Yes very pleased. Processing bad data the past few weeks was worth it to get my skills for this good moment. I hope to have some more chances this week.
  20. Having them higher in the sky is great. I am not sure but since Saturn moved to my S horizon it's not as good or I have not got that good seeing yet. Gosh you are up early on your holiday 😉. I hope you enjoyed the views.
  21. Easy on me, still learning 😀 so I will try follow. I use asicap for capture and the histogram displays the RGB split (I think that's what you refer to). There I tried to set the gain to around 95% across but as we know these numbers fluctuate. From my log file I have: White Balance (B) = 95 White Balance (R) = 47 I am not touching the WB in my capture (it is off and my red is at 47 and blue at 95; they are the defaults) but I do it in PIPP as you suggested before and maybe a bit more in Registax to get the colours right. Happy to send you the .avi file if that's of any use. I hope I have answered your questions.
  22. Another great capture. I feel it has more well defined details around the GRS area.
  23. Yes still manual but it shows that good seeing is paramount in this hobby. I hardly had to sharpen it today. For your info, I had the histogram to 95-105% for experimentation. I will go through my other captures at around 70% and see if that made a difference at all.
  24. @JeremySand @neil phillipsthanks for the positive but also contradicting comments 😉. I will meet you both in the middle; maybe some details maybe not 🤣! I shot some images in IR to help bring out details but I must have got it in bad seeing moment that it looked worst than the colour. I will try this week as the weather is looknig pretty good.
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