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Everything posted by Kon

  1. I managed a nice session this morning although seeing was on/off with gusts of wind. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter. 2x barlow.
  2. Great image, and the details coming through very nicely.
  3. Very nice images, especially Jupiter
  4. Venus was rising from East this morning and I had a go at imaging it. I only used an IR filter as it would have been too much atmosphere to get through. My usual setup with an IR pass filter. The phase looks so different from last winter captures that showed a thin crescent. Image is only the red channel and has 1.5x drizzle.
  5. Nice image with good banding. Nice colours.
  6. Nice details and I like the colour balance.
  7. Thanks Martyn. Yes I am really enjoying this camera , very versatile. Looking forward to your captures. Saturn has been awful for me the past few weeks.
  8. Another great image. Nice detials.
  9. That looks great! Ganymede's shadow is going from round to elongated as it reaches the limb. It really puts the whole interstellar motion in perspective.
  10. Thanks Neil. I thought that the seeing might be better more stable before it starts getting cool in the morning (plus I had too many early mornings on top of work). What I have noticed during the hot spells is that the sky looks very good until late afternoon but as it is cooling, I see a thin haze not from clouds but either dust particles that reflect the light or the phenomenon you describe or a combination of both, particles getting disturbed from warm/cold pockets. Last night it was a good example with the moon out, I could clearly see that reflecting haze. I am not sure it is the same on your side. Moon also looks very yellow which gives me the suspicion of particles in the air. But stars do not twinkle so the jet stream is not present.
  11. I managed a quick imaging session last night (thus the time in the title), not morning 😂; it is nice not having to put the alarm at silly hours. Anyhow, seeing was kind of rubbish and in addition, Saturn was close to the nearly full moon. The colour image was awful so I am not uploading it here but the IR has brought some nice details. My usual capture of 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, IR pass filter, 2.5x TV powermate. I found that using all three channels i was getting a ring with halo outline and fuzzy so I only used the red channel for the processing.
  12. Excellent captures. I really like your Saturn.
  13. Very nice capture and processing. Nice banding with details.
  14. Thanks. I will try read around and if I cannot get anywhere I will drop you a message.
  15. Great set of images and write up. The animation is really great!
  16. Do you mind explaining in a few brief steps what you do? Or any links to look up?
  17. That's a great capture. It seems you had nice seeing this morning. All my Mars images have a bright ring on the light side. How do you deal with this or don't you observe it in your processing.
  18. Stunnig images Neil. a lot of fine details.
  19. Thanks Jeremy. The IR captures seem very similar in my eyes (especially if I bring my whites down as his image); his colour one seems to have the darker cast on the left similar to mine; the screenshot from @Laurieast shows a similar darker side.
  20. I agree, I am convinced the banding in the colour image is real considering this is a new capture and processing, and it is still coming back. The IR is fine. I want to try it once it is higher up in the sky ( I need to check what period it is good for imaging).
  21. Great report and it sounds like a night of delights.
  22. Thanks Martyn. Very pleased to have captured the event.
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