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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Very nice capture. Work has kept me out of imaging these days. Unfortunately, the weekend weather is not looking great.
  2. A very good image nonetheless. Good to see your setup that delivers those great images.
  3. Saturn was around 930 but stable seeing dropped within 30min.
  4. Excellent images, so much details.
  5. That looks great. You can't tell it's a mosaic, very nicely put together.
  6. Thanks. I was totally clouded on the 18th. I think I can put Saturn to sleep, unless......we get some really good night 🤣..who am I kidding, it's British weather.
  7. That's amazing!! Unbelievable that's from a mobile! I can only dream of imaging it in UK.
  8. I managed a nice but short session last night.Like others I only got a short window of good seeing before things deteriorated. The Saturn is possibly the best one I got in colour. The IR one is ok and I think I missed the good window as it was hard to focus it (it's usually the other way round). Jupiter is ok. 8" Dob, manual, asi462, IR pass or IR/UV cut filter.
  9. Fantastic image. I like the processing , very natural.
  10. Some nice images. Yes seeing was a bit iffy last night.
  11. Nice capture and the IR has brought some really nice details out.
  12. Great image. It was the same for me last night but the dew on secondary killed my session.
  13. I had the best 15 min with my 7 year old son who wanted to see the planets and a nebula before bed time. I was cooling the Dob for some planetary imaging so it was good to go. Saturn and Jupiter were on display. He was excited to see the colour bands in Jupiter and the Saturn rings. I then moved the telescope to M57 and he was amazed to see it. I mentioned to him about the Wizard nebula before and he is into his Harry Potter books but I explained him it is near impossible to see it. He wants to see the Owl and Orion, when winter comes, as they were his first nebulas to see last year. I think I have converted him to observing nebulas from a young age.
  14. Nice set of images. I like your first Mars and second Jupiter has a lot of details.
  15. Interesting topic Neil. Looking at your colour balance, in your final image you are aligning them at the left shoulder rather than the peak. Do you think it is a better representation of 'true colour' or better attempt to align them as at the peak you are at the maximum for the particular channel which may bias the colour balance? Ie the peaks should be at the highest sensitivity of the sensor. In addition, do you think RGB alignment in Autostakert might influencing how registax is doing it's RGB balance? ( I will have a go at my images when I am back home tonight and see how they turn out.)
  16. I wonder if it's some air currents or uneven temperature?
  17. You must have got that moment of calmness. Not sure what's with the recent weather.
  18. Nice images considering the conditions. I saw your Saturn and I agree Jupiter should have been much sharper. It seems we are all suffering across UK.
  19. That's a great capture. I like the colour balance on it.
  20. Yes I was eyeing that one. I read they are made in Ukraine so we know why they are not available; I might drop FLO an email in case they have any updates.
  21. Excellent and very natural looking.
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