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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Let us know how it performs. I have the Explore Scientific one.
  2. I have not seen a resize option in PIPP. Unless you import all tiffs in Gimp or PS and resize in batch? I can't think of an alternative.
  3. One of the best I have seen. Still a lot of details. Thanks for putting it together. It really brings it to life and in 4 hrs you truly see the rotation.
  4. Fantastic! In my eyes, the 2252 is your sharpest image. Are you planning any animations or not enough in between images? I am loking forward to your map once you put it together.
  5. Nice report and well done on seeing it. Try on when the moon is not up and it will be a lot easier to get to and see it's bluish colour. Neptune as others said is not too bad to find and it looks very similar to Uranus but smaller. It also looks a bit more of a 'fuzzy' disk compared to the surrounding stars. I struggled to get it with the moon out at the beginning as star hoping was a bit tricky.
  6. Excellent animation Stuart. It brings it to life. I regret not getting out last night.
  7. Very happy for you! Your perseverance paid off. From the first 3 images, the top seems the best, but your final set are just excellent.
  8. I started recently using IG for my photos. kon_astro
  9. Excellent report Joe. Some great targets you managed that are not accessible to us at the northern hemisphere.
  10. For me it has to be Jupiter with Io transiting back in October.
  11. Regarding your high resolution map, when I did mine a few weeks ago the smaller Mars didn't seem to affect the alignment but you may need a few more images to build the missing part of the disc so I wouldn't stress too much about it (I feel you that you want to have the best possible).
  12. Excellent image despite your conditions. Very nice to see how the ice cap has shrunk between the two captures. The only time I have seen these squares are on my moon imaging, as I manually track, when it gets jumpy and I have not put it through PIPP. There must have been a few frames throwing off your alignment. Happy New Year and let's hope for better skies in 2023.
  13. Nice reprocessing. I think the derotated video has brought out more details.
  14. Stunning. Thanks for reminding us what the sun looks like 🤣. Mostly clouds recently.
  15. You will really enjoy your new darker skies. I wrote this last year when I first show the HH with some of the tips I had found from other reports and online and I used in observing it: https://stargazerslounge.com/topic/388643-horse-head-nebula-barnard-33/#comment-4192376 But yes you will need the H beta from Flame onwards.
  16. 3 but transparency is key. How about your skies?
  17. Looking forward to it. We have had an awful wet winter this year.
  18. Thanks Joe. I hope you are managing some good sessions in your Australian summer nights.
  19. Thank you. It was great to have a nice little session as it is pouring down with rain since then .
  20. Thanks. I will make your life easier. Don't get an 8", get a 10"! 🤣. Honestly, best purchase ever and it's also great for planetary imaging. It's also fantastic for observing galaxies.
  21. That's a great Jupiter. Lots of nice details.
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