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Everything posted by Kon

  1. Great sketches and I really like the annotations.
  2. Thanks. Oh I like the sound of that. Are you planning to scan your sketches and stitch them together or draw the whole map projection from all of your sketches? Looking forward to it.
  3. Thanks Stuart. I have enjoyed growing into this aspect of astronomy and I hope next year I can produce something better. We need better weather!
  4. Very nice. I like the three moons and if I am not mistaken, at 2 o'clock , Ganymede is showing some details.
  5. Thanks David. It turned out quite well.
  6. Thanks Jeremy. Worthwhile the late nights/early mornings.
  7. Thanks. Yes very happy except...well...that left panel 😡! For a first attempt it turned out a lot better than I thought.
  8. Thanks Mike. I am glad it may be of help to some people. I should try annotate some of the key features at some point.
  9. 😉 got you! I hope you will manage to get the full disc. I am planning to pause in the next 1-2 weeks and focus on visual for a while. Planets are getting past their best for imaging and the weather is not in our favour. I will probably wait for Venus and Mercury. ISS is another favourite to image and it is in good timings during the Christmas break.
  10. Do use the quality estimation but change from the default of frames to percent of frames. I tend to go for 60-80% depending on the conditions. I am all manual, tracking and focusing so you should be able to get some good images with our setup without major upgrades. Yes post your final image, it will be nice to see the end result.
  11. It could be down to poor seeing. Your screen shot shows some good features that I would be happy with during a capture. My only advice is do not use a bahtitov mask but focus on the planet features as the focus constantly changes with the seeing. FPS seems on the low side for the settings but I use asicap so I cannot help here but others might be able to.
  12. Thanks Geof. With your images, you should get a fantastic map. Looking forward to it if you do manage to make it. As you know, it is tedious work to try get every image same colour balanced and brightness. Very annoyed with the left panel!
  13. This has been my first serious season of imaging and captures have varied in quality due to weather but I thought it would be fun to make a map of Mars from the 2022 captures. I combined my best captures into a pan using winjupos and Gimp. I think the blending has worked well except the left panel as I did not have the original file to correct the colour. Very pleased with this result. Clouds clearly changed during the different captures. These captures are mostly from mid November to December.
  14. Excellent!! Polar hood is showing nice structure now and you have nicely maintained the overall details.
  15. I think it's what Neil calls prism effect. I don't see other noise and wavelets/sharpening look good. In the end of the day we don't need to please everyone as we all have different ways and preferences. Still an excellent image.
  16. Nice capture and I admire your dedication under the conditions. What an improvement from yesterday. Both look great with a slight preference for the second one. I noticed that the polar hood whites are 'burned' at least on my screen. And some colour noise creeping on both?
  17. Good on you trying. My cold is still on full blown so I will give it a miss tonight. Looking forward to what you will capture tonight.
  18. Nice image considering that you had to battle with your data to get it to this stage. I don't think it's over done and I don't see much noise through. Unfortunately, you are spoiled with the excellent image that you produced a few days ago that this one will never make you happy. Still a lot going on and the main features although soft are there. Nice to see the same clouds as in my capture.
  19. Nice capture and details there.
  20. Thanks Geof. Last night was one of the best nights in terms of seeing for me but due to my cold and high temperature I could not continue. Looking forward to see what you may have got.
  21. Thanks Peter. Yes it has been a nice journey and I am really enjoying it. I give it another few weeks before I take a break from imaging and enjoy the visual aspect again. Seeing must have been really good to spot the clouds at the eyepiece. I just saw your report on it. These are some fantastic observing skills. Was that with your platform?
  22. I did not plan to be out last night as I have been fighting a nasty cold but I did not want to pass the opportunity of good seeing as next week it is cloudy weather. Mars was showing good features at the capture window. I only managed one run but pretty happy with the results. I can see clouds at around 8 o'clock and on the right hand side running from N to S. 8" Dob, manual, asi462mc, 2.5xTV powermate. Happy for feedback especially if you think it is over pushed. Original capture size and 150%.
  23. Great thanks. I prefer to look the IR alone as it seems to carry less noise from sharpening. Very nice distinction of the N pole in the IR (you can also convert the b&w IR into false colour).
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