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Everything posted by Kon

  1. I also started with the BSTs but upgraded to ES. I have the ES 82 degrees (6.8, 8.8 and 14mm) and I would not go back to smaller FOV, especially with my 8" Dob F6; I am contemplating 100degrees now as I am enjoying the immersion during my visuals. You get an excellent framing of large clusters and some of the large nebulas. Like @bosun21, I have the ES24mm 68 as I do not want to switch from 1.25" to 2" (personal preference), so that's my lowest power one which has an almost similar FOV to my 30mm Plossl (looking to upgrade for wider views). I find them corrected to the edge without any issues. I do not feel that I need to move my head to get the whole view. Be aware they have a very tight eye relief so if you wear glasses to observe, you will find them tricky.
  2. Unexpected session after the heavy fog and rain we had today. Around 9 pristine skies and excellent transparency, that deteriorated by 1030. Started in Auriga with M37, M36 , followed by M38 and NGC1907 at the same FOV. I tried to spot the local nebulas with my OIII filter. I am not sure I got NGC1931 but excellent view of nebulosity around the NGC1893 cluster. I quick look at M42 and although nice nebulosity, it was underwhelming for what I am used to when transparency is excellent. M78 and NGC2071 were also washed out in the murky southern horizon. I then had a nice view of M31/32/110. Some dust lanes were present. Transparency was getting a bit off and M33 was no show tonight. Then into Cassiopeia and on the way a look at double Persei. Always mesmerised by the stars. A few clusters, NGC457 and 436, NGC654 and with the OII spotted the Pacman nebula. Finished the session by having a look at C/2022 E3 comet. Transparency was getting bad and it was just very fuzzy not as good as my previous observation of ii. I called my wife since she wanted to take a look and although impressed because of its history I was greeted by 'just this fuzzy thing?'🤣. A very fulfilling 1.5hrs of observing before transparency got too bad to continue.
  3. Managed it again tonight, my wife was impressed although she did say 'this smudge?'🤣
  4. Yes it was great seeing it. Tonight is good according to MET, but currently foggy.
  5. it has a comet alignment function, or you could try one star alignment and select the core of the comet. This is my poor attempt, I hope to get more data.
  6. Very nice. You can always stack on the comet, Siril, and you will see star trails instead.
  7. Indeed. I follow it with my RACI and never look at the laptop screen. I do my planetary imaging in a similar way but there I can keep an eye on the screen as the planets are relatively moving in a snail pace. Many excellent ISS images I have seen online are from manual Dobs.
  8. Thanks, and shoot the questions 😀...happy to help. Yes with my 200P, manual tracking. Not too 'difficult' with a well aligned RACI. I have done it so many times now that it is becoming second nature.
  9. This is probably my best ISS capture while I have been in this hobby. Frozen atmosphere at -5, hardly any jestream, dry and clear skies at 1819UTC. The seeing was excellent, even Jupiter looked good at low elevation. I focused on Mars (with great features as well). I stacked several frames per panel but I did not have to put it through Registax! A bit of sharpening in Image analyzer. Several modules are visible and possibly my best resolution on SpaceX Crew Dragon and Progress 81 and 82. iROSA panels nicely capturing the sun light. I love how the module shadows are casted on the panels. 8" Dob, manual tracking, asi462mc, UV/IR cut filter, 2.5 TV powermate, exposure 0.94ms and gain 198. (that's at 76 degrees elevation).
  10. Great images Stuart. It has gotten much smaller since I last imaged it. It seems the ROI feature is working nicely. I will try next time I am out.
  11. All fogged up as well. It's 50/50 tomorrow. Great capture.
  12. I want to try when it is higher up but I don't think the ghosting will away, but maybe less prominent.
  13. I finally managed to see the C/2022 E3 comet at 4am this morning. Previous attempts to see it were met with clouds when I woke up at 4-5am. Easy to find (it even looked bright on the finder scope); core looked bright and diffuse/streaked tail but no real sign of the long tail from the APs. I could not see it with naked eye and I have fairly dark skies. Very happy and excited to have seen my first comet. Neowise was my first one but I did not have a telescope back then.
  14. I have seen similar faint nebulosity around the running man on my 8" under good transparency. So you were probably seeing a real thing.
  15. My family wants to join as well but at silly hour with frost it will be hard to get them out. Forecast is looking good with clear skies untill 5 so it has to be 4am wake up for me. Looking forward if you do more editing on them. Your DIY platform is working very well!
  16. Excellent report and glad you saw it. I have been up T 5 the past two mornings to be greeted by clouds. Third time lucky tomorrow morning? Outstanding pictures from a mobile!
  17. Thanks. I use it sometimes so I will look into importing them.
  18. No time to look at it through the telescope but a quick glance through a solar filter shows the sunspot as dark spot. It is huge, isn't it!?
  19. I have been eyeing this book for a while and I managed to get it from Germany (English version) for a lot cheaper than UK shops. A quick glance and the sketches do resemble several of my observations. I also have the accompanying Atlas.
  20. Thansk Stuart. I got a fairly cheap set of filters from Astromania (it was on Amazon on offer for £30 before Christmas). The methane worked fine when i tested it on Jupiter, the Venus above is with the IR pass from the set (no difference from my other IR pass filter) and the UV looked ok when I tried yesterday but severe ghosting; Neil had warned me that it might be the case with cheaper ones. https://astromaniaoptics.com/products/astromania-125-inch-secializedlanetary-imaging-filter-set-3ieces-ultraviolet-uv-filter-methane-ch4-filter-infrared-ir-filter https://www.amazon.co.uk/Astromania-1-25-Inch-Specialized-Planetary-Ultraviolet/dp/B07C3K7J16/ref=sr_1_5?crid=38TH49ZYOUAOY&keywords=astromania+planet&qid=1674126882&sprefix=astromania+planet%2Caps%2C52&sr=8-5
  21. The Orion is stunning for a mobile. I see you are dipping your feet, not toes anymore, into AP😂...new AP purchases soon 🤪
  22. Very nice details, I assume it is a single frame.
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