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Everything posted by Laurieast

  1. I keep seeing comments that this is good software, but on both laptops it is unusable because the user interface is tiny and blurred. I have tried going into properties and changing "Choose the high dpi settings for this program" but it makes no difference. Tried re booting after changing that. Thanks for any insight!
  2. It seems to be connected to how much I have spent on astro kit lately, the more kit you buy the worse it gets and for longer 😭 And the "May Contain Clouds" stickers!
  3. Were you on Windows 10 on the old laptop? Only suggesting this as my Mead Dsi C camera will not work beyond Windows XT.
  4. Great image! What were your exposure settings?
  5. Open M31 in File Explorer? File Explorer/Desktop/M31 and do as above. Sorry that's what I thought you had done, now thinking you did it from within DSS?
  6. File Explorer? Hold down Shift select the first image to delete, holding shift down, go to the last image to delete and it should select them all.
  7. Wonderful! Zoomed in 150% on a 23" monitor and the detail in Aristarchus 😮
  8. The duel axis motor kit for the EQ3-2 runs on batteries as supplied (4xD Cell), I want to run it on a power adapter, of which I have a box full, as we all do. The Instructions say 6 volts DC Nominal and it should be able to supply at least 400mA of DC current. The nearest match power supply I have is 6V 500mA or so it says on the label. With the correct positive nose on the same size plug. The multimeter says it is giving out 6.2 volts and 1.7 A with the red plug in the up to 10A socket. Can I use that? Thanks!
  9. Sky at Night monthly what can you see on YouTube is very good, the tv program is dreadful.
  10. @ChrisHas this situation changed or improved? Or any the wiser why they have done that?
  11. EQ 3-2 Duel axis motors from FLO. For those days you don't want to set up the GOTO.
  12. It's for drilling a precision hole for a pier!
  13. I had tried earlier with stacking 5% and 10%, and as you say it made no difference. Thanks for all your help! I remember now, I tried 96% because that was what Wido Oerlemans was suggesting on his Astroforum on YouTube. That's my excuse anyway 🤫
  14. I can't tell now, it went in the recycle bin, probably nowhere near enough as I was using an old (ancient) Dell Inspiron with only 2.0 USB's , it was 2.64GB if that means anything. It might have been 11k frames. New laptop with 3.0 USB's etc arriving tomorrow! So it will no doubt be cloudy for month's now. 😕
  15. Printer+Laminater+Safety pin+Glue? (Or double sided tape)
  16. Now there's an idea! Thanks, always have a supply of that. Could apply it with the airbrush 🤔
  17. Images not showing. Google photo's works well.
  18. A well known UK DIY store has 63 variations of idiot lights on offer. This is how they are selling the idea of outdoor lights "Recreate that feeling of arriving at a stylish hotel every time you pull onto your driveway with our range of outdoor lighting. The welcoming exterior lights of home, proudly showcasing your castle in all its glory; there really is nothing more inviting than a well-lit outdoors in the evening." I believe in the US they have a rather more effective law of Light Trespass.
  19. Postie brought a medium 21cm Astro Essentials dovetail bar from FLO, which no longer has the cone error bolts, but does have a slotted mounting hole at one end, and recessed areas at the ends.
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