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Everything posted by igorigs

  1. Previous Saturn photo just stacked better and processed with Lightroom. Skywatcher Evostar 90, 3x Barlow, 25mm Super eyepiece. [Also used digital zoom of the phone]
  2. igorigs

    Hi from Ireland

    Hi mate, welcome to SGL!
  3. Could you tell me what webcam did you use mate?
  4. As I wanted to say although right now you want planetary very quickly you will want to look at DSO’s..
  5. I would suggest either Dob of 8’ or maybe SW 130/650PDS as it can be used for Astrophotography if you ever want to jump in that..
  6. And I live in center of the town. Epicenter.
  7. igorigs


    Hi mate and warm welcome to SGL
  8. @Nair al Saif Good question. Planets were a lot bigger on same eyepieces as same as DSO’s... So could see more details on planets, but looking at DSO’s it was more or less the same except them appearing bigger. Maybe it was like that because humidity was high. Started appreciating my Evo after that a lot more as it was easy to carry and so easy to use. Although I am planning on buying the Dob. Just to add, I’ve used Dob for like half an hour, hour or so..
  9. @Laurin Dave WoW! Some astonishing images!
  10. Own only the Evostar 90, watched through 8'' Dob, can say for Evo that for beginner scope it's amazing. Easy to use, lightweight and cheap.
  11. They were actually taken with an iPhone. Just played with PIPP a little bit I think I got the hang of it. When I resize the picture via PIPP then it is aligned properly, but if I don't resize and just give it a go with images as they are then alignment is offset but not very much, still has trouble stacking. Images overlaps. Really need to figure it out. could I send you files (although they ain't much (the images)) to see what you could do?
  12. Not sure where to put this question so thought of this part of the forum... Is there a software to auto center images or crop them? I use RegiStax for align but sometimes it messes up and I want to crop/recenter every frame before putting it into RegiStax so was wondering is there such a thing?
  13. @pedromreis Glad to help mate
  14. @pedromreis Check this out, I still use it and it's very fun at least for me..
  15. Warm welcome to SGL! First thing to checkout I would recommend Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. For Mars I at least need to use a very high magnification to be able to see any details at all.. Checkout messier objects and learn a little bit about them. I was very happy when I saw M57 for the first time with my small scope. It is like a small doughnut made of smoke 😁 Don’t hope to see stuff like they are from pictures and all is good.
  16. Hi there mate, welcome to SGL! There are a lot of helpful folks here that can help you with what ever you need, just gotta ask the right questions 🙂
  17. Hi mate, warm welcome to SGL!
  18. How much of the light gets reflected.. Never mind on my question, your answer is what I was looking for.
  19. So I've got one of these (Skywatcher Star Diagonal with Adjustable Angle Setting) with purchase of my telescope (used). Got A regular diagonal and this one. My question is, does it degrade image and is it worse or better than this one Amici prism (31.7mm, 1.25") with 90-degree viewing..
  20. By the way I strongly recommend you to rename your video on youtube to something like Jupiter and Io crossing over it... You get the point, not only moon shadow because of the algorithm on youtube, people when search for Jupiter won't get it in recommended..
  21. @quaoar Well if you mean he is in Italy well for you maybe he looks like he is close but it would actually cost me around 500$ just to get there.. If he is in Serbia well I could actually go and check it out
  22. @quaoar These are some magnificent frames! Can’t believe how good you can see it. Hope one day I’ll have some serious scope like this as well 😄
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