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Everything posted by Clarkey

  1. Wow! Oh, to live somewhere dark with clear sky.
  2. I got one of these. 12.5mm thick. I thought it would be really poor, but it is actually very smooth and does not move at all. Holds my 1600mm and filter wheel no problem. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003279695931.html?UTABTest=aliabtest481469_657498&src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=494-037-6276&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&albcp=17859472720&albag=&trgt=&crea=en1005003279695931&netw=x&device=t&albpg=&albpd=en1005003279695931&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA2KitBhCIARIsAPPMEhLTLkAfDYp7Ma4wdJBuNQrt_M1k1jcWA7ZBuzXiKQhHQq-cRGfRaIkaAuogEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&aff_fcid=a1fef4d7886f4bed90c532c4f34b6941-1705697101389-07968-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=a1fef4d7886f4bed90c532c4f34b6941-1705697101389-07968-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=4a377cf5f14743aba676a791ef9a56a1&OLP=1086700608_f_group3&o_s_id=1086700608&afSmartRedirect=y
  3. @old_eyes Nah. You've just sent all the cloud to Spain🤣
  4. I started with mono, then added a colour camera and had exactly the same problem. It's what you are used to. However, to keep things simple you can combine the RGB to make a colour image and process in your 'normal' way. I don't know DSS, Siril or Gimp so I can't add specifics. I would tend to process the luminence separately as this gives all the detail. The L and RGB can then be combined. NB is maybe a bit more complex. Getting the colour balance right can be tricky (after 4 years I still struggle at times). Combining NB and RGB is probably the hardest to do well. Adding RGB stars to NB images is common, at least the stars look 'real'. However, sometimes having RGB mixed with a NB pallett can just look wrong. I have just started using Pixinsight - which was definitely an uphill struggle. However, I'm just starting to understand the software and it has certainly improved my results compared with using APP and Affinity. I still use Affinity for some touching up of final images, but most of my processing is now done with PI. If you want to spend a few months battling with the software - then give it a go. If banging your head against a brick wall is not your idea of fun, maybe not😀
  5. I have not sent anything back, but I did have a couple of issues after I purchased my RisingCam. I found they quick to reply to emails etc, so it would certainly be worth trying.
  6. That is quite incredible for such a small, cheap device. Can you remind me why I spent £1000's on all my imaging kit🤣
  7. Thanks @geeklee. I put the widefield 115mm / IMX571 image stack through the annotation script and there are plenty of faint fuzzies in the background. I'm glad you prompted me to do this - I have never tried the annotation script before (I am a PI newbie).
  8. I have not posted much recently, for some reason I just felt pictures of clouds were a bit dull🤣 Anyway, as I had my first clear night in ages on Sunday, despite flu / cold / lurgy, I was not going to miss the opportunity. I don't have a dual rig, but I currently run my RC8 and 115mm triplet together on the same target. This way, even if the clouds interfere, I should still get enough data for a reasonable outcome. This is about 17 hours of NB data and an hour of RGB for the stars. (IMX571 with dual-band and ASI1600 with true NB). Processed in PI.
  9. Normal permacloud here. 3 clear nights since September plus one that cleared late but was forecast as overcast. Global warming is pants.
  10. I certainly understand where you are coming from. I used to set everything up outside, without all of the stairs and it was a pain. If I had been in your situation I would feel the same. I now have an observatory, but awful weather. There is something special about visual observing. Just get out there and enjoy the simplicity! Good Luck
  11. Great Image Stu. I imaged this recently (using my 'cheating' Roboscopes data) in RGB and NB as you did. I was wondering whether the slightly 'cloudy' appearance in my image was my processing or high cloud in the subs, but your picture has a similar look to it. Maybe some faint inter-stellar dust.
  12. At least Goran can see the sky.... 22 hours is about the same as I have managed since the end of the summer. But I have to agree, it is a stunning image. Great colour.
  13. I agree, but maybe it comes with a 'baby sized' camera. Personally, I hope it a cloud gun.
  14. I am not exactly sure why your set up is behaving as it is, but the backlash graph is very odd. Initially the backlash is showing very little, then it stops responding. Normally the 'measured' line runs parallel with the 'ideal' once the backlash has been removed. This suggests the mount is no longer responding to the outputs from PHD2 - but I don't know why. Personally, on a relatively under-sampled image scale, I would increase your dithering to a larger figure. It is possible PHD2 is struggling to detect the small movements? Alternately, you could try without dithering. (I tried with my colour camera and it had too many hot pixels so I stuck with it. Some you might not need to).
  15. Welcome to SGL. One issue with the Dobs is that they are not that portable. Certainly, a refractor is easier to move. As with all these things there is a compromise between size, weight, cost, focal length....... If you want portability and you are looking at planet and the moon, a Mak or smaller SCT may be another option to consider. Just as a slight aside, do consider used equipment. Most astro gear is well looked after and there are often good deals to be had on here (once you have enough posts to access the classified section) and Astro Buy and Sell UK. I would avoid the beaches for observing as there is going to be a lot of moisture in the air, along with a lot of air turbulence between the sea and land mass. Also, salt and telescopes do not go well together!
  16. That is a stunning image. Impressive indeed.
  17. Great image in the nebula. Personally, I would put half an hour into RGB for the stars. I find this really helps with NB images. Not sure if it related, but I have had a few issues with registration of Roboscopes data (P3 here). I do wonder if some of it is due to the very high humidity recently, causing some fat stars on certain nights. Probably unrelated but blinking through some of images has really shown the variation.
  18. As said by a few people, looks like a combination of balance and seeing. Just think yourself lucky that you have a Mesu. You should try a SkyWatcher mount. Random movements everywhere!
  19. Much as that is impressive, with all the new tools we will get to the point of loading subs and let the software (AI) process it for you. Yes, I use PI and BXT, but there is an element of guilt. Part of the challenge of AP is good data collection and processing. Maybe it is getting too easy?
  20. Although not technically my best, I really like this one. The embryo nebula NGC1333.
  21. Flats should still work. I use a filter on the very front of my FMA180 and it works fine. FWIW I had a similar donut on my first use of a new Risingcam IMX571. I assumed that it was an issue with the camera - I was wrong. It was caused by dew on the sensor. I gotta new heater for the camera and it's been fine ever since. Just a thought....
  22. The 115mm Altair triplet is only £1300 and well proven. Not sure how much difference the extra 5mm will make.
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