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Everything posted by HollyHound

  1. Interesting and useful report, thank you 👍 I had considered getting a pair of these previously, also to replace or use alongside my WO binoviewers too. Based on this report, it seems not to be worthwhile 😬
  2. Lovely report @Stu and good to hear you're getting back into astronomy again, after a bit of a lull 😀 I'm in a similar situation with work being super busy and with lots of overseas travel (in a good way fortunately)... it's meant I've only been able to do short(er) grab and go sessions for the last few months... no worries, it will all calm again in time for Autumn/Winter 🤞
  3. There is tons of sniggering comedy potential here of course 😁 but I shall resist, as it's a good, serious and thought provoking subject... interesting thanks @JeremyS 👍
  4. Wow, you are going "all in" on the Ethos 👍 Will be interesting to hear how these perform on your TSA... I can see how these could be superb eyepieces for that, not just optically but ergonomically as well (given the front heavy triplet) 🤔
  5. Agreed… I have no doubt that either the Mak180 or CC8 would more then give the Mewlon 180 a run for it’s money optically! Ergonomically, I still prefer the Mewlon… it’s very lightweight for its aperture and is super easy to handle on and off the mount 👍 I did have a Mak150 briefly and that was a chunky dense scope, so can only imagine what the Mak180 is like. The CC6 was also heavy for it’s aperture, but mine did have a lovely handle fitted (courtesy of @johninderby😃)
  6. In order of “best lunar view”… ascending order 🤔 C5 - Softest view, dews up fairly easily, however it makes a fantastic, compact DSO scope (especially with a .63x reducer) Mak127 - Super contrasty and (as has been said by others) quite “refractor like”. Portable and built like a tank, but also dews up and takes a while to cool. CC6 - Notch more contrast and detail. Excellent focuser and doesn’t dew up. Slight smear on bright planets (due to four vane secondary spider). Mewlon 180 - Mega contrast and detail. Doesn’t dew up. Superb optical finder/handle. Very lightweight for its aperture. Takes at least an hour to really cool properly, although quite usable from 30/40mins onward. Less smear due to three vane spider. Slight loss of detail near FoV edge. As I tend to use the Mewlon in a dual combination with the FC-100DZ refractor, this obviates the cooling issue somewhat, as I use that whilst waiting and then switch for detail. For me, the Mewlon would be my one “cat” for lunar, although If I could only have one scope, it would be the DZ 😃 Best bang for buck though as a lunar (and planetary) scope, has has to be the CC6 though (it’s a 1/4 of the price!). If I ever had to sell the Mewlon, I would replace it with one of these 👍
  7. I know it's a good few months since this comment was posted, but anyway... It was me that bought the CC 6" from @johninderby and I can confirm, it was a superb (and lightweight) scope 👍 I only sold it (back to John again of course, as he was missing it 🤣), as I bought a Mewlon 180... any of these open tube designs (Classical Cassegrain or Dall-Kirkham) are fantastic lunar/planetary scopes. I love them because they don't suffer from dew, unlike my Mak127 or indeed refractors. However, I've also still got both my Mak127 and C5 (SCT) and they make superb, easy to use scopes too.... we truly are blessed to have access to such fine (and relatively cheap) equipment in this modern era 😁
  8. I did try the Naglers and they were very good indeed... but safe to say, since moving to XWs as my main eyepiece set, I've never looked back 👍 Admittedly, I do have one Nagler (22mm) still, which I found to be more usable than the Ethos 20mm, in the Dob 🤔
  9. Welcome to the wonderful world of Ethos @JeremyS Although I tend to use mine for my 10" Dob, they are also fantastic in the FOA-60Q and Mewlon180 😁 The barrel extender is a great idea... I have them on all mine that need it, so as to use consistently as 2" eyepieces and save fiddling with the the 1.25" to 2" adaptors 👍
  10. I’m on holiday in Rhodes (again) and brought a small pair of binoculars, just in case. Just sitting in the balcony having a few cheeky Ouzos and spotted Jupiter (and moons) appearing above the apartments… first time I’ve see her this year 😃
  11. Same here…. mine was perfect out of the box and hasn’t need any adjustment since (I’ve had it over a year) 👍 Mewlon 180 alongside my FC-100DZ is a fantastic combination and these two have warded off any temptation to “upgrade” to a TSA-120… at least so far 😃
  12. I’d also been thinking about getting a TSA120 for a good while, but since getting the Mewlon 180C, I’ve not felt the need. Having it alongside my FC-100DZ does indeed give a good combination. The refractor cools very quickly and is ready to go almost straight away, so can be used whilst the Mewlon cools. The TSA120 may get much closer to the Mewlon, and one day I may check that out, but for now I’m more than happy with having these two as a pair for those longer sessions 👍 I love the view through a good refractor, but it’s still only 4 inches of aperture and so that’s where the Mewlon takes over. It goes significantly deeper, brighter and just that little bit more detail. Refractors do have a certain “classiness” to the view and of course can give great wide field views. Again, the two compliment each other perfectly 😀
  13. That's a really simple and good idea... I need to try this, thanks 👍
  14. Indeed it is not, but (as you've found), pairing the M180C with a refractor makes an excellent and versatile setup 😁 Agreed, I use mine on the AZ100, but I'm sure the AZ75 would be more than up to the job... I just need to add a Nexus DSC too now to get "push to" capability (encoders already built in) 👍
  15. I usually put mine outside before I’m ready to observes anyway and let it cool, but indeed if it’s already cool from where it’s being stored, this will reduce the time. It’s useable, but without cooling, mine has lots of aberrations. After 30mins, they’re reduced significantly, but won’t be perfect until an hour. Once cooled though, it’s stunning, particularly on the moon 😍 In case you haven’t seen it, there’s a great write up here on the M180C (and loads of other scopes too) http://www.scopeviews.co.uk/TakMewlon180C.htm Welcome to the Mewlon club 😃
  16. It’s great isn’t it… light weight (for its size and aperture) plus an amazing finder, which just never goes out of alignment and is a lovely handle. It also doesn’t dew up at all👍 As you’ve already discovered, this plus another Tak refractor is just an awesome combination for an extended session… the refractor for wide(er) field and Mewlon for high magnification. The only minor downside is that it usually needs anything up to an hour to cool down properly. It’s usable but doesn’t give its best until then. Enjoy 😀
  17. Umm, unless it's hiding amongst the others, I can confidently say I don't... or at least not anymore 😁
  18. Well actually he is (or was)… and yes, I did (briefly) consider pairing it with mine 😬 I bet it would be stunning on the moon, binoviewing already is… but I suspect it would be a nightmare to setup/collimate and use 🤣
  19. You are a very naughty man... but no, I'm not tempted.... right now 😁
  20. Apologies, didn't see this message notification... glad you're all sorted now though 👍
  21. You have no idea how many times I have come close to doing exactly that @JeremyS 😬 Decided instead to get the Lunt 16x70 binoculars... for now 😁
  22. Welcome to (almost) the ideal setup for using an FS-60CB 😃 I use mine with the Pentax XW40 and it does indeed give super wide “binocular” like FoV, especially when paired with a diagonal with a very large clear aperture 👍
  23. Welcome to the wonderful world of Takahashi ownership… it will be many weeks before you stop opening the case just to admire it 😍🤣
  24. I’ve tried both and settled now on storing them (mostly) horizontally in two cases (the Ethos mainly for Dob only)… you certainly get more in one case when stored vertically, but without labels, it was tricky remembering which was which 🤣
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