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Everything posted by HollyHound

  1. Thanks. The Altair sounds like a really good scope too 👍
  2. Me too. I will post a full report. Cheers Gary
  3. Totally, I am staying away from astrophotography for now, as I'm just learning and appreciating looking. Especially in the current world situation, it's been a really peaceful way to spend a few hours some evenings 😀 If I ever go down that route then will need something faster, but I'm very content for now.
  4. Room for a new owner to join ? 😀 Already put this on the "What did the postman bring" thread, but good to repost here, where it belongs... now waiting for first light 🤞
  5. I've got a Mak 127, which is amazing for the Moon, but I've heard so much about the good refractors, so hoping to be wowed 😀
  6. Thanks, it is indeed... it's also a fingerprint magnet, hence why they supply a little polishing cloth I suppose 😄
  7. Indeed it does, and I have you to thank, as during my "lurking" here, I was avidly following the release of this and your subsequent unboxing and first light 😀. I've tested it terrestrially and it seems so much sharper and "vivid" compared to the ST80 and ST120 which I have been using up until now (fine scopes that they are). It's sitting in its case awaiting some clear skies and then it's getting a shot at the Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and some easy doubles (I'm still a beginner!). I have already modified the internals of the case with pluck foam (again saw your mod) and replaced the Vixen dovetail with a StellaMira Losmandy one. Cheers Gary
  8. This arrived on Monday from the good people at @FLO... a StellaMira 80mm ED f/10... my very first ED refractor 😀. Can't wait to get a chance to use it, but fear I may have extended the period of clouds with this purchase... if so, my apologies 🤞
  9. Hi, I've been lurking and absorbing information from this forum since Christmas, when I got a Skywatcher Mak 102 as a present which re-kindled my interest in astronomy I had as a kid/teenager 40+ years ago. I've since obtained a bit more equipment now... probably rather too much, but it's all being used and I'm (slowly) learning my way around the night sky and refining what interests me the most... currently the moon and double stars 😀 When I get a chance, I may put together a post about the journey so far and hopefully I can contribute something as well as continuing to learn from everyone on here. See you around. Cheers Gary P.S. I'd also like to thank the fantastic team @FLO who have been extremely helpful over the last months 👏
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