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Everything posted by PeterW

  1. Solid traffic I hear, the bridge to the island probably hasn’t helped. I’ve read plenty that makes me want to visit, but it’s need to be when there weren’t so many visitors (or midges... thanks for noting their presence)! Peter
  2. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll get a copy! Maybe I need to head north for even darker skies. Peter
  3. Which alt-az is that? Interesting to see a non-parallelogram mount for big bins. Peter
  4. There is some difference between monopod and proper solid tripod mounting and between low cost 15x and rather better ones. There is always a little voice asking why you don’t get yet bigger kit.... telescopes, binoculars.... Peter
  5. Top marks to @stu for prompting me out and telling me the occultation was happening soon or I’d have gone off to bed. Instant disappearance, cool! Very nice terminator details too. Peter
  6. Always puts a smile on your face looking up from star devoid skies to see countless stars shining down. They are still up there, just hiding. Peter
  7. Low tube availability, export issues and a small market. You can use most reasonably fast scopes effectively, there really isn’t a standout type that beats others. I’d certainly welcome more suppliers who know what they’re dealing with and how best to provide a simple to use “kit”. Peter
  8. An 8” dob should fit across the back seats of a car and the round base isn’t too big... going up in size the base gets stupidly big and this hard to transport. 8” also pop up secondhand quite regularly. Add a red dot Finder and you’re good to do. Gradually add to your eyepiece and filter collection as you can use them with any scope you subsequently own... a longer investment. Living in a city the darkness of a dark site is quite shocking and enveloping. I trust you brought some binoculars to get a wider view and help you with finding things. Peter
  9. Very nice.... pity we’ve very few comparable places in the U.K. Peter
  10. You need to align the screw and flat on the SLO-mo ems or it won’t work. The AZ3 tends to slump back at higher elevations, I got a counterweight mod bar out front when I had a 120mm on mine. I thought Dartmoor had some rabid hound that stalked people.... the chances of anyone else being out are slim... people don’t like the dark. I find the dark a bit like a comfort blanket... but maybe it’s because I can usually see better in the dark than anything within many miles asked can see the monsters before they see me 😉 near London you could try the South Downs near arundel, gets “fairly dark”, not sure how it compares to dark or. If you’re in SE london then dungeness way might be closer. going bigger id suggest a secondhand 8” dob, big step up, but easy to transport, use and doesn’t kill the wallet like other things can. Peter
  11. Look forward to seeing what this combo can deliver! Peter
  12. If there is nowhere closer and darker go, maybe bring binoculars or a smaller scope first time. See how close even darker skies are.... the darker the skies the better your scope will perform. peter
  13. Bit more filtration, shipped within 15mins, at my door within 19hrs... darn it FLO! PEter
  14. Looks like this really does deliver the goods, pity it’s not easily automated/customised. Peter
  15. Simpler than LTVT, looks like better results too. Have to go and try out some lunarX or other odd shadow feature and see what happens. Peter
  16. “Better clothing”, if you’re nice and warm id stick with what you’ve got. Those SQM numbers and that scope.... no wonder you had so much fun... Peter
  17. I had the same experience as @stu using slightly higher power this time, threw my easy star hop off till I found the triangle of stars close by, looks to have faded a bit but still easy to see. Peter
  18. Great report, there are a good number of even bigger nebulae out there for you to go looking for. Cygnus should keep you busy for a while. good luck with the sketching. Peter
  19. Light curve on AAVSO looks pretty flat with only a very slight downward slope so probably good for some weeks. Peter
  20. The USB converter thingy had a Max output 800mA at 12V, so within the 2.4A quoted output of USB batteries. Seems to handle slewing fine (I don’t use max speed though) and an external handset (as wifi is unreliable with so many flats about). Peter
  21. Lazer... makes initial pointing a breeze. Safety first of course. Peter
  22. Found usb to 12v jobbie and run the mount on a 2.4A output from a USB phone backup battery. PEter
  23. Had a crack at using the old 15x70 mounted on a monopod. Looking at these finders I’d say I saw it. The other nearby star is still about a magnitude fainter... invisible with the sky brightness and moonlight. Not everyday you get to see a Nova. Peter
  24. PeterW

    Hello SGL!

    Welcome, a number of clubs in/around london, depends which part of the “land of light pollution” you live in. Many have observing sessions “out of town” where the skies are less illuminated. Peter
  25. When I lived near Kingston I remember in seeing 5 or 6, nearly all UMi. Haven’t had a try, my skies are darker if you can escape the direct glare of the LED. Peter
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