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Everything posted by Dantooine

  1. Wow 3.8 is massive. There would be a lot to look at without having to move telescope for ages. I can be a little addicted to leaving the 13 in for long periods. As I’ve not seen 26x at such a wide afov your comment has given me serious curiosity.
  2. Do you use it in you refractor? I can only imagine how good it must be in that. It’s probably best if I don’t look through one just yet as I would most likely get into some bother. It would stand out as it looks rather different to the other ethos I have. Even my non astronomical wife would notice if it suddenly appeared in my eyepiece case.
  3. Counterweight is a good idea then. You wouldn’t want it going sideways. I don’t weight mine as I seem to get away with it as the tubes not very heavy. You will be pleasantly surprised how it looks “in person”. You don’t actually need a scope as it’s good looking enough to be an ornamental feature in any room.
  4. Ha ha, that’s about where I’m at with 8mm but not field) Just goes to show we all have different kit and it really is horses for courses. Maybe you’d better keep that one and I’ll hang tough with my 8mm as I find myself there quite often. Tonight however, I will be at my “super high” magnifications of between 150x - 200 ‘n’ something on My wife’s home planet of mars! Not long finished work and looking outside I think it’s going to be a late one looking at the orange lentil sized planet in my pea shooter sized telescope 😉
  5. I would say it depends on the amount of use it gets. For some observers it may make a lot of sense having the APM and spend the money on their most used focal lengths. Myself, I love the wandering through with my pan 27. In my scope it gives me only 26x which is fantastic. I am more happy putting my hard earned money into my mid range which happens to be some people’s low range.. funny ol’ thing astronomy!
  6. Congratulations, I’m not sure how many of us there are but it looks like the secrets out 👍 what are you going to put on it?
  7. I have read good things about the 20 compared to the 21E, weight for one thing.
  8. That’s not a bad arsenal. Something around 35mm could be sweet too. 158x is getting near my higher mags 🙁I like a challenge. you will be another future ethos 13 buyer at some point. Come to think about it they will all turn green & black... they always do in the end 🤣
  9. Glad the Stella is doing a nice job. Just the tool for it.
  10. Well being a manual AZ bloke, that looks like the limited technology I may enjoy. I use only a red dot finder, prefer it to a finder scope so this may well work well with my setup.
  11. By the way, that’s not counting the Antares barlow as that’s been 9 days oops 😬
  12. I haven’t bought anything for 3 weeks.. I’m getting withdrawal symptoms.. however, I do enjoy seeing what everyone puts up on here 👍
  13. A good 8mm and barlow would be my advice. Magnifications of 81x and 162x or a 9mm giving 72x and 144x. I think you would see well with either of those in your 130pds. There are some nice optics around and quite a choice for good value.
  14. What does your 8E give you, around 150x? You have other ethos?
  15. Trouble is you were expecting a 5mm ethos. It’s an adjustment to get used to. I’m sure it will come. I expect you noticed things moving a bit quicker with the difference in FOV. It probably frames mars nicer though. I think I’ve got to spoilt with the 100 degrees and it sounds like you have too. My manual setup makes me prefer a “sitting target”. how do you feel it performed optically?
  16. Where do you get this information? It would be good to have it on hand.
  17. As some observers use heaters on their eyepieces I was wondering about the temperature of the optics vs the same temperature of the rest of the glass in the optical chain. Is it best for views if the eyepiece is the same ambient as the diagonal and telescope optics or not?
  18. Amazing thread. If this was in print I would buy it.
  19. This has made me smile. There are more clever people than me on here so I will let them answer. It will all be fine.
  20. John, from those simple calculations it should be easy to work out the in travel for ethos in the Antares 🤔
  21. Thank you for spending the time and putting this in a way that’s easier for my tired brain to understand. Much appreciated and yes the views are more important.
  22. I’m really like my 2 inch Antares 1.51x 👍
  23. And on a negative point.. that’s one less decent telescope in stock in the U.K.
  24. Well Rob, really happy for you. Is it everything I tried to explain it was? I have never looked back since I got mine. A very special moment opening the box. i really don’t think better can be bought for the price these are selling at, enjoy 😊
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