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Everything posted by Dantooine

  1. Well you boys saving me money then. Just have to wait for jupe’s to get up earlier. What about MARS? Get it right or wait 2 years. Clear October nights please 🤞
  2. Did it take the glare/glow off? It may well be atmospheric adding to things I’m not sure. I’m seeing bands fine but it’s sort of like looking at Venus if that makes sense. I think if I can get the glow down more detail will show.
  3. Can someone advise me on how to knock some of the glare off Jupiter? I’m viewing at 150x with a 102 f7 frac with a ethos 4.7mm. I’ve been looking at baader single polarised and neutral density filters (2”) am I on the right track? Dale.
  4. Go for it. I just managed a sneaky half hour on planets between clouds. The beauty of a 4inch setup speed 👍
  5. Thank you for your reply. I can feel my arm being twisted for the additional price. May as well get it right.
  6. Just a quickie, is there a price justification on performance either the 2” poweremate and the ES 2” focal extender?
  7. They look massive when you first put them together indoors.
  8. Although at much lower mags for me, I quite agree. I’ve had the same targets on many different nights when I think the conditions look the same but when it comes to looking the views are very different. It makes me look back and appreciate previous evenings in the hope to hit the jackpot again. This for me is what makes me do a quick setup when I get the opportunity, just in case I miss out on something I could have seen it than a previous attempt better. I could get a bigger telescope and maybe make things easier but for me it’s the challenge of the 4 inch that drives me on. Also the ability to jump in on conditions that with a bigger setup I may shy away from because of the timescales involved. Sort of a justified “laziness”. 😉
  9. Sounds like a plan. I have the 4.7 that gives me 151X so the powermate would yield 178 & 238x with the 6&8, that’s about as far as I could push my little baby I would think. The 6&8 are fairly short anyway so would probably only be as long as the 13 in length, just a tad more heavy. Two high power mags with nice steps up at half the price of the 3.7. Thanks John you are a ⭐️ Dale.
  10. Hi, can anyone give me their experiences with using 8 & 6mm ethos with a 2x powermate? do you get the 100 deg and same eye relief etc? Im looking into this as it may be a good way of getting some nice high power options with my 102 f7 frac It would be good to have the views/experiences of people doing this and would be very appreciated. Dale.
  11. 8 or 9mm would be good in both. Do your maths thing and you will get the correct answer 👍 BST 8mm 60deg is £47 ES 8.8mm 82 deg is £131 both would be good. The 82deg would keep things in the eyepiece a little longer if you go for a dobsonian but as always it come down to individual budgets. the fun is the thrill of the chase.
  12. 🤪 I read your 25 mil as a 20 for some daft reason. My maths isn’t really that bad but obviously my reading is 🧐
  13. That eyepiece would give you a magnification of 25x. As you only paid £20 for the setup I would use what you have got to find your way around the sky while you save for the dobsonian.
  14. I think that will give you 33-100x in that scope. Nice range.
  15. Very nice. You will love it. I have the Ed-r version and love mine. Can set up in 10 minutes flat so you can jump outside at a moments notice.
  16. Very nice. I wonder what things will be like next time it comes around.
  17. It started out being padded by a certain type of leafs 😂
  18. Welcome from staplecross 👍
  19. They do look nice. I’ve not tried one.
  20. Nothing. I’m very contented now. I have been sneakily using my Delos 3.5 when conditions allowed. I put eyepiece extenders on the 8 & 6 for perfect eye placement and these also make the weight of the lighter ones the same as the rest so I think I’m there at last thanks.
  21. Congratulations. One of those beauties will end up favourite. They are all jostling for that title.
  22. That’s really bad. You can’t see where it is. Could the delivery bloke not read?
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