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Everything posted by Dantooine

  1. That’s very interesting for me. Would you say that the 22 Nagler is a good alternative to the 21 ethos? I have a pan 27 at the moment and I think it shows about the same field as the Nagler. I have never used a Nagler so for me it’s venturing into the unknown. There is a big difference in price in the uk.
  2. Is that the same or similar to the 30mm ultra flat that Altair Astro sell?
  3. Chance of a used 21E would be pretty slim I think. That says something.
  4. Difficult to get yes. Mine came from Germany.
  5. I fear I am weakening. Looking at astronomy tools for my telescope, the 21E would finish off my eyepiece collection once and for all. I’ve had the es17/92 and if it’s anything like that to use... well, there would be a pan27 for sale. This is a deep rabbit hole but would I finally find my footing? Just how good is the 21E in comparison to my favourite 13E? On a serious note having the Ethos 21, 13, 8, 6 & 4.7 would be a pretty Complete set to be proud of 😈
  6. Well I’m making the most of it. Every chance I get trying for the once in 2 years view.
  7. How much bigger will it get in the next few weeks. I’ve noticed the last months got better.
  8. Well, Jupiter too bright but could also see 2 white bands. Saturn best for a while, Cassini division, out band showed transparency which made it all look 3D. Shadow on the back of the rings from the planet and nice top third banding. Mars looking good but left me wanting more. Could see ice and black markings. Just wish I could get more contrast to make the black pop.
  9. I feel much happier using the 2” on the “double barrels”. Also saves me from standing on top toes.
  10. Reading this I’m not surprised they are still in stock everywhere. The asking price is still holding firm though.
  11. That’s a good read to me. I think we having very similar views and sessions. I also don’t mind a quick set up for an hour on planets. Mars is staring to get slight bigger in our small scopes and I’m sure some time soon we’ll hit the jackpot. I’m following you now as I’m intrigued by your stellamira and what it’s going to do for you. I’ve just set up for Jupiter and may get mars but I’m not staying up until 3am tonight. Done it a few days ago and I’m not getting any younger 🥺
  12. I thought I had black & white eyepieces until a plane flew through my FOV 😎
  13. My number one favourite feature
  14. I did last night until 4.30 this morning and don’t think I can manage tonight either.
  15. I have to agree. The 4.7, I actually pull back a tad to see less. Personally I think I’d have preferred a 4.7E with 100 degrees like the rest of them. I’m sure others opinions will vary.
  16. So the 9/120 is their heaviest. What is that like to actually use as I’ve not seen or used one?
  17. It may well be potentially bad if I get to see through one. I’d best not “see the light” just yet. My bank account is in a state of recovery from building up the set I now have 😱 and as you say, ethos are terrible eyepieces.
  18. I think you are correct. The 12mm version is lighter and is probably the quoted 1175g. I had them at one point and they were not the same weight. Edit.. sorry, I’ve just seen the above comment. Having a zombie day.
  19. When I think about it my 13E is about the same in my telescope as your 21E is in yours? Couple explain why I like it so much. when first see about the bag of washers as a counter balance I imagined a swinging pendulum. It must act as dead weight.
  20. Is it about the same weight as a es17/92 as my setup coped with that one?
  21. Glad the xw has worked out for you, see what you first wrote and thought oh dear. It was clear and I ended up outside until 0430, I’m like a zombie today. Mainly mars and it’s noticeably bigger now even in my scope. I can see dark patches well but wish I could get them darker.
  22. I am beginning to think there is a conspiracy to get me to put a 21E in my collection. It started a while back with John saying a 21 would sit nicely for me. I thought I’d fobbed him off with my pan 27 satisfaction. I’m not sure it’s been fallen for 🤔
  23. Briefly back to the ethos/powermate thread that ended up as an Antares. The sky is very dark and very clear here In Sussex tonight, best I’ve had for a while. I have my kit outside cooling whilst I’m having a wake up cuppa. I’m really hoping to try pushing the frac shortly with the Antares and the 4.7e. hoping to see mars as a full sized pea rather than a lentil. The moment of truth awaits 🤞
  24. 21e in one hand, 31n in the other.. that’s a good value life long gym membership (not that I’ve ever been to a gym)
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