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Everything posted by Dantooine

  1. This site has helped sell loads of these this week, nice getting a bargain flagged up.
  2. Thanks for the Amazon info. Just ordered mine at £3.00 too. I expect they will put the price back up once they see they are selling.
  3. I skip the Apollo 11 and wait for the mars 1.
  4. It’s so good to read all of these reports from The last few nights. It’s truly helped me to know I may actually have my kit right as I’m seeing the same detail. Last time round for mars I was using binoculars and felt I was missing out. This time I feel better armed. I’ve had very few positive highlights this year but the last few nights has been rewarding. so once again, thanks for the reports on this thread as I now feel I’m “one of the club”.
  5. Now that’s on its way, the apm 3.5mm looks a good option for rare nights without a massive outlay... does this ever end 😱
  6. Sounds like here. I plan my viewing around my bloody oak tree 🌳 this target goes behind the tree at x o’clock then shows itself again at y o’clock.
  7. Just popped in for a cuppa. all planets are “giving” tonight. jupiter grs center moved off to left. Could see two dark patches on the top band. Saturn’s amazing, easy division in the rings and very nice stripes. Mars, best I’ve ever seen. Nice dark “continents”, ice.. everything. All this at only 152x. (Big enough to satisfy me)👍finished my run of shifts so I’m allowed to stay up late.
  8. Oh no worries I have a spare tv one from the bottom of my 4.7 as it makes that one to long in the case. Then I can pretend it’s a tv 😁
  9. Hope so as I’ve just finished my run of shifts.
  10. Everyone has ran out of spending money, been caught by their wife and nobody has anything left in stock anyway 🤗
  11. I have the ethos 13, 8, 6 & 4.7. If I added the apm 20 & 3.5mm I think my set could be complete. (Maybe keep the pan 27 as it’s so cute) The ethos would be in the fl range of most used So this is a decision that looks to be making itself. Your input is greatly appreciated.
  12. Thanks. I would say if you really like it don’t compare it with something similar. If it’s doing the job you want it to etc.. It’s a good price and sometimes you can’t go full out expensive on every eyepiece, although everyone has a different viewpoint and budget. From what I can make out from what I’ve been reading most people who have them are full of praise for them and say they are not wanting to “upgrade”. There is a massive difference in price in comparison to the 21E and I’m trying to work out if there’s a massive difference in performance, in my telescope probably not. The difference in weight for me with my little scope makes the APM quite an attractive Option and would mean I could also get the 3.5mm and top n tail my set. Some soul searching and common sense is needed on my part, that’s the hard choice I have to make 🤨
  13. That’s a much closer weight to my other ep’s. How well do you get on with it? My next size down is a 13 and beginning to wonder if this would be a good addition with all things considered, ie cost and weight. Who stocks them?
  14. Thank you for putting that in a very descriptive way. It’s very useful for me as I’ve not used a Nagler.
  15. That’s a good point made. The physicality looks similar to the 13e, no idea of the weight but I would think it lighter than the 21e.
  16. I’m trying to work out if the gap between the lines is worth the extra £400. Need help 🥺
  17. 180x is good. I’m using the Antares as my planet booster now. Loving the options it brings.
  18. Tough call. 22 nag/21E. Torn between two lovers!
  19. so does the 22mm feel anything like my ethos in use?
  20. Thats a good point and worth consideration as I've built my set with that in mind. The 21E would mean sliding the scope forward or tightening the clutch up considerably.
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