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Everything posted by Dantooine

  1. Your reports are making me jealous of the clear skies and the time under them that, time that at the moment I just have not got. Oh well, I will just snatch the moments as they come. You have written some good reports Victor 👍
  2. Same optics.. better eyes. Oh dear, I see floaters at the 150x mark and at around 200x it’s like I’m looking at bacteria 🦠 through a microscope. It’s just something I’ve got used to seeing and doesn’t stop me. Maybe I will try these high magnifications one night and tell myself I’ve found life on the planets I’m looking at. Victor you have really pushed that new telescope, well done.
  3. I’ve not used the baader zoom but I would think it’s because of the very narrow field of view at the 24mm end of things.
  4. I don’t think flo have the 2” prism diagonal on their website. Just the mirror version.
  5. I have the 2” BBHS prism. It’s slightly larger than the T2. Picture attached. John on here I think uses the T2 version and I’m sure he uses his with his 21 ethos.
  6. Hello, I would be tempted to get an explore Scientific 8.8mm 82 degrees eyepiece. It would give you a magnification if 57x and the same field of view as the 12mm BST at 41x. I think you would use this a lot. A barlow on that would give 114x. I would used that as a centrepiece and build around it. But that’s just me and we are all different. The stock 25mm would probably be usable but the 10mm would be lacking.
  7. It did for me. Started with Delos and ended up with ethos somehow. Personally I don’t need the zoom now. I should be ok with my little collection of not so little glass.
  8. Sorry to feed your addiction but a Nagler Xoom has just come up for sale on here 🤣
  9. Up until now that’s what I’ve been using, 4.7mm at 152x. It can get used quite a lot. For me it showed what I wanted but I just had to go a little further to see “a little more”. The 4.7 will I’m sure still get far more use than the 3.7mm. I only use the 102f7 so these are my maximum magnification eyepieces.
  10. Yes. I woke up in the night as this is my new normal thing to do, looked out the window and mars was smiling. I got to use my new ethos 3.7mm. Such a good thing to use. I get 193x with it, that’s my maximum with my telescope. I could see lots of detail but it seems the ice is disappearing. I was only out for about an hour and a half. 1 hour on mars and half hour on the moon testing the eyepiece. My conclusion is it’s fantastic with amazing lunar detail.
  11. Thank you. This is just the information I wanted to be able To tell Victor but was not sure of myself. I trust in the click lock system to hold eyepieces firm.
  12. Well if that’s the first one things will only get cheaper from now on. It’s the only fl of ethos I wouldn’t stretch to so keep hold of it. Congrats 🥳
  13. Well I’ve just this minute had a go with my APM 20, it’s my only non ethos eyepiece. With my eyes it held its own against the ethos so don’t think you have to lower your expectations by much. A very fine eyepiece.
  14. Mars has actually grown to the size of a pea lately 🤣
  15. Victor, I have the baader 2” prism diagonal. It’s quite expensive but to me it seems light and is a joy to use. It works very well with my setup. I think you can build yourself a nice prism setup with the baader T2 separate parts for less money . The prism is slightly smaller Than the full 2”but supposed to be very good. I think John uses this on his refractor successfully. I think the prisms have a different length of light path to the mirror diagonals. Hopefully someone will read this who has the full knowledge about this and give us the answer. I’ve just woken up and looked out to a clear sky and put the 102 outside to cool. I’m quite excited as I wasn’t expecting a gap in the weather. regards Dale.
  16. I use a prism diagonal rather than a mirror. Maybe it’s something to do with the length of the light path. I’m sure you will find the solution.
  17. On its own.. tried and proven. you know it makes sense.
  18. I used mine with Es/82 range from 14mm down to 4.7mm without issues however I used the Es 24/68 where you have the 2 inch. Maybe someone can elaborate on this.
  19. It looks a very fine telescope. Just have to be patient now for first light. I think you will find you have made a very good choice. What is the 24mm eyepiece that you cant get focus with? I’ve not had any problem with focus on any of my eyepieces with my Altair version.
  20. Altair Astro need to read this thread and answer customers, silly boys, lost another sale! They will put themselves out of business if they don’t pull their socks up.
  21. Well that was my only justification to the wife.
  22. I can promise you one thing, the APM 20 is a keeper. It was So comfortable and I don’t analyse right to the extreme edge. Liked to have seen through the 13. There is a 7mm coming out in December. If you like the 13mm the 7mm may well be worth a look as it sits nicely between the 6 & 8E so maybe you wouldn’t need the both. It could be a bargain fix for your set and save you a packet. I was going to get the APM 3.5 but it was not available for a few weeks so I had to make do with the 3.7 😉
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