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Everything posted by Dantooine

  1. I see, so how many do you have at the moment as a “non collection”? 🤭
  2. I’ve had the same problems with choice making. Other friends do Astro photos and buy cameras instead of eyepieces, this I will never understand. Problem being they’ve nothing any good to lend me to try out. This has meant a very expensive year for me buying far to many expensive eyepieces to try out. I have to admit though the thrill of the chase has been fun. I never did try a Morpheus and that’s eating away at my curiosity if I’m honest. When I see someone else has just had one delivered I’m tempted. This year I’ve bought and tried Es 24/68, 14, 8.8, 6.7, 4.7 in the 82’s, 17 & 12 in the 92’s, 5.5/100, Delos 14, 10, 8, 6, 4.5 & 3.5. This has somehow left me (at the moment) with an APM 20/100, ethos 13, 8, 6, 4.7, 3.7 and the Es 5.5. so out of 20 bought I’m sitting on 7. it’s been quite a strange year however people have had the benefit of some lovely mint condition eyepieces from me 🤣 ive had a great time coming home from work and opening these little boxes and when you are having a rubbish day at work it’s nice to see a message saying your parcel has been delivered. Try before you buy has not been an option for me so it was a case of buy and try... oh dear. What a journey 🥴
  3. What’s your high magnification with those?
  4. It’s out of the box at last and on the mount. First lights going to be on ring nebula.. let’s see!
  5. That’s a lot of stuff. Have you been given a tip-off about the weather 🤫
  6. I opened the box but alas forgot to take a photo. I mounted it on the AZ 8 with the legs extended out 13” and this will be comfortable viewing even pointing virtually. It’s very stable even without counter weights but I’ve ordered some anyway. I’m not sure if I will need an extender tube to reach focus with ethos in 2” mode if anyone has information on this or what’s needed I’d be very interested. In 1.25” mode and a click lock it may work for now. Looking at the sky I do not thing I will be finding out anytime soon, also my eyes are suffering at the moment from excessive use of dam masks and ppe (not that I’m moaning) 🥴
  7. 🤣 going back to my post about let the excessive purchase re-commence!!! They do look the perfect twins 👯‍♀️
  8. And here is the photographic evidence of my totally uncontrollable ordering finger on my keyboard. I’m not sure when I will get the chance to open the box to be honest but hopefully it’s soon.
  9. To be honest I think we’re all starting another buying spree. I just bought a sw 200 pds to put in my az8 and try my ethos with. The idea of a lightweight set of eyepieces does seem appealing.
  10. Just checked FLO and so glad I ordered the pds when I did. A week ago they had 4 and now it’s zero. It’s really does seem like all telescope of any shape or form are being bought at an extraordinary rate.
  11. The dobsonian mount no doubt would be better but as I have an AZ8 I really want to make it work.
  12. That’s good to know. Do you counter balance it? With my 4” frac on my mount I don’t need to.
  13. I don’t know what made me do it 😱 but I’ve just ordered a SW200 PDS. Will my losmandy AZ8 cope with it ok for visual only???
  14. And why not.. nothing seems to stop me looking for the next fix 😉
  15. I spent ages looking into barrows/powermates. Bought a nice barlow and it was good. I still ended up buying the shorter focal lengths as well. Sometimes the itching not worth fighting 😊
  16. I’ve seen there seems to be a good stock of these. They look pretty good value. Most ep’s are out of stock so these will make people happy.
  17. Ive been looking for a newt that will comfortably work with my losmandy az8. The above seems to tick a lot of boxes. Is there anyone who has experience of using this telescope I would be grateful for any information you have.
  18. Quite boring I know, just a couple of barrel extenders to put on my 6 & 8 ethos. Maybe I can get them closer to focus point with my 13.
  19. My main concern is keeping clear of my lovely prism. I think I will wait until I fit them and take some accurate measurements. For filters, a few mm longer than the 1.25 barrels would be better. I’m mainly looking at a better grip in the click lock and maybe the opportunity to get them closer focus point to my 13e. Am I being too ocd? 🧐
  20. I don’t use filters. Not a problem for me but I can see it could be for others.
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